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2022 Absentee Ballot Applications Available

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Provided by the Oklahoma State Election Board

Absentee ballot applications are now available for the 2022 Election Year.

If you received absentee ballots by mail in 2021 and would like to continue receiving ballots by mail, you will need to complete a new absentee ballot application for 2022. You can request absentee ballots using the OK Voter Portal. Absentee ballot applications are also available for download on the State Election Board website or by contacting your County Election Board. 

Voters can request to receive ballots for a single election or all elections in which they are eligible to vote for the calendar year. As a reminder, the Democratic Party has opened its primaries to Independent voters for 2022-2023. Independent voters who would like to receive Democratic primary ballots, should be sure to check the appropriate box on their absentee ballot application in order to receive them.

Voters are also reminded that the new deadline to request absentee ballots is now the third Monday (15 days) prior to each election. The new law allows voters sufficient time to receive, vote, and return their absentee ballots and better aligns with the U.S. Postal Service recommendation that voted absentee ballots be mailed at least one week prior to the absentee ballot deadline.

The next election for many voters is February 8, 2022. Absentee ballot requests must be received no later than 5 p.m., January 24 for the February elections.

Voters who need to update their registration information should do so as soon as possible. The deadline to register to vote or update your registration is Friday, January 14, 2022. Address changes (within the same county) or party affiliation changes may be made online using the OK Voter Portal. For all other changes, please submit a paper application to your County Election Board. You can fill out an application using the OK Voter Portal “wizard.” Applications are also available at your County Election Board, most tag agencies, post offices, and libraries.

For more information, contact your County Election Board or the State Election Board at (405) 521-2391 or eat0@eau0eav0eaw0.  

See more about 2022 Absentee Ballot Applications Available:

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