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A Great Party. An Even Greater Cause.

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Categories: In Our Communities

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Broken Arrow Neighbors’ (BAN) largest fundraiser event is Wine, Eats & Easels. “This year’s extravaganza,” said Executive Director Kim Goddard, “will be held Friday, October 6, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Rose District Pavilion in Downtown Broken Arrow at 418 South Main Street.” Tickets are $40 in advance and $50 at the door (Ages 21 and over please). For complete information call Broken Arrow Neighbors or visit them on Facebook. This is a great party with an even greater cause.
The popularity of Wine, Eats & Easels has grown each year and so has the number of people attending. The event was moved to the Rose District Pavilion & Plaza on Main, and to the Museum Broken Arrow located next door, in 2008. The Museum serves as the official V.I.P. location for high-level sponsors. Multiple Sponsorship Levels are available to individuals and businesses.
As a patron, you’ll be rewarded with an exciting evening of food, wine, art and music as wine vendors and local food establishments merge to provide an atmosphere of taste and culture. You’ll also enjoy the talents of artists from across the region who will be displaying and selling their creations. Local jazz artist Grady Nichols is the event headliner. He has entertained us each year since the event’s inception. In addition to the expected attractions, there will be special activities including the “Original Butt Sketch Artist – Krandell Newton” who has sketched 150,000 derrieres and appeared on Jimmy Kimmel show, a wine pull, photo booths and more. Join us for this great party and even greater cause.
As a 501(c)(3) basic-needs service agency, the organization provides assistance to over 12,000 individuals annually. BAN serves neighbors in need with dignity and compassion through a cooperative community effort with the goal of promoting self sufficiency.
Through a successful capital campaign in 2014, a new 10,000 sq. ft. Community Resource Center enables those served to self-select product from an expanded pantry area. “Recipes are also included for ‘easy-to-make’ meals using items from our pantry,” said Goddard. “We also schedule cooking classes,” she added.
New initiatives are continually under exploration that will encourage additional resources, programs and enhancements to the organization’s list of provided services. In 2016, over 13,000 individuals received assistance including nearly 5,000 children, over 5,000 adults and 3,000 seniors. Recipients received food items, medical care, equipment or prescriptions, utility assistance, holiday meals and holiday gifts for children, housing assistance, dental care and school supplies at the beginning of the school year.
“Our commitment to those we serve and to our community will never falter and will remain at the pinnacle of our daily mission,” said Goddard. “Thank you for your support of Wine, Eats & Easels, Broken Arrow Neighbors and those we serve.”

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