A "Hue"ge Difference

Gleam Guard can change the color of your cabinets so they look new and completely different.

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: Other | Issue: August 2011

Gleam Guard with color not only makes cabinets look new; they also look different.

Gleam Guard with color not only makes cabinets look new; they also look different.

Since 1987, thousands of area homeowners have enjoyed ­­­ new-looking kitchen cabinets, thanks to the Gleam Guard one day sand-less makeover. Owner Tracy Booth says many people have commented how much they would love to have Gleam Guard on their cabinets, if it weren’t for their outdated colors.

Now, for an ultimate makeover, Gleam Guard can change the color of existing wood cabinets so they not only look new, they also look ­different!

According to Tracy, a Gleam Guard color change is the perfect solution for cabinets with an ­outdated finish. Lighter shades of ash and honey oak have given up their popularity to richer and darker walnut and mahogany tones. Even light pickled ­cabinets can be darkened.

The process is the same as the original. No sanding, no ­toxic strippers and no unloading cabinets. Because of drying time, color change requires three to five days for an average-size kitchen. “It’s still far less time consuming and far more economical than replacing or refacing cabinets,” says Tracy.

Either way, the special acrylic polymer dries to a hard finish that never needs oiling or polishing. Just a damp cloth is all that’s necessary. A few drops of white vinegar will dissolve ­stubborn spots.

The carefree finish lasts for decades. According to a number of customers, some cabinets done in the 80s still look good. Gleam Guard is guaranteed for five years, during which free touchups are provided.

Many people raise concerns over their computers, flat screens and other nearby electronics. All Gleam Guard-related products are safe around them. There is no dust and no fumes. And Tracy takes pride in the manner that his skilled craftsmen not only do their work, but how they carefully handle and protect each customer’s property as though it was their own. This kind of ­satisfaction has earned them hundreds of referrals, as well as outstanding recognition with the Eastern Oklahoma Better Business Bureau.

Tracy is also pleased when he gets “thank you” calls – and there are lots of them. Their entire spirit seems uplifted, he explains. “They are so ­enthusiastic!” This is why he encourages people to stop thinking about it and take the next step to pick up the phone. There have been many natural disasters within the past few weeks. Some occurred within miles of home and greatly affected local families. “During times like this,” he says, “many people will put their plans on hold. But later, when they’re so happy with the results, they wish they had gone ahead with it sooner.”

Seeing the almost magical results and having it right there to enjoy every day can actually put the mind at ease. “Crossing that line to the other side is as easy as picking up the phone and calling my number.” A phone call is welcome any time at (918) 951-3401. Tracy offers free estimates and a free in-home demonstration on an existing cabinet door.

Gleam Guard can be applied to nearly any vertical surface in the home. That includes doors, frames, baseboards and paneling. To complete the makeover, the Gleam Guard team can also deep clean rock and stone interior ­surfaces, and they can clean ­ceilings – even popcorn ceilings.

Samples of Gleam Guard, from no shine to high shine ­finishes, are on display in the middle of Woodland Hills Mall, Sears north entrance, ­second floor between Fossil and Hollister. 


For more information, contact

Gleam Guard

(918) 951-3401


About Author Deanna Rebro

Deanna Rebro has worked in the publishing industry 30+ years, including eight years writing for Value News. She has also worked in real estate for the past six years. Deanna graduated from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio with a B.A. in Journalism. Outside of work, she serves as Vice President on the Board of Directors for Pet Adoption League. “Every story I write is a learning experience,” she said.

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Gleam Guard Wood Refinishing

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