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A Leader with Savvy and Spunk

Rebecca Lowe Muratet believes that she is the right person to serve as the next Rogers County Clerk.

By: Joshua Danker-Dake | Category: Other | Issue: July 2008

Rebecca Lowe Muratet is campaigning for the position of Rogers County Clerk. The primary is Tuesday, July 29.

Rebecca Lowe Muratet believes that she is the right person to serve as the next Rogers County Clerk. With a strong emphasis on service, proactive leadership and fiscal oversight, Muratet’s goal is to keep local government efficient and honest.

Many people may wonder what exactly is required of a county clerk. It is a position that demands a high level of responsibility in a wide range of areas.

As the county’s purchasing agent, the clerk is intimately involved with the financial affairs of the county, including reviewing claims for payment of goods and services purchased and contracted by the county. Purchases, rentals, lease agreements and repairs paid for with county funds are all processed by the county clerk’s office. The clerk keeps and preserves legal documents filed with the county as well.

The position requires processing records and financial accounts belonging to the county, including deeds and mortgages, oil and gas leases, local, state and federal tax liens, liens against property, and military discharge papers. The county clerk also serves as secretary to the Board of County Commissioners, the County Excise Board, the County Board of Equalization, and the Board of Tax Roll Corrections.

In short, a good county clerk ensures that tax dollars are spent appropriately. “County clerk is a leadership role,” said Muratet. “It’s the first oversight after the commissioners. The county clerk needs strong leadership skills; you can’t be asleep at the wheel. It takes proactive leadership to make sure things are done correctly, and you have to know what’s going on in every aspect of the job.”

For nearly six years, Muratet has served as administrative assistant to the Rogers County Commissioners. In this position, she handles business dealings involving land records, planning issues, board meetings, purchase orders, employee issues, scheduling and accounts payable. “This is a rewarding position, and I love my job,” said Muratet. “But county clerk is my next step. I can be more useful to the community.”

Even a cursory review of Muratet’s background shows her tenacity and work ethic, as well as her extensive experience. Muratet is multitalented – she has been a seamstress, floral designer, wreath-maker, librarian, substitute teacher and the secretary to the superintendent at Chelsea. “I worked extremely hard to make my living and take care of my sons,” Muratet explained.

Muratet heavily emphasizes service. “Service is number one at all times. I always ask, ‘How can we serve the public better?’ I like to roll up my sleeves, go to work and make the right choices for the right reasons,” she said. “I love people. We’re all here to serve.” One of her favorite slogans is: The only thing God can bless is effort. “I believe you make your own luck,” she added.

The primary for the election is Tuesday, July 29, 2008. For more information, feel free to contact Rebecca Muratet at (918) 798-1400.

For more information, contact

Rebecca Lowe Muratet

(918) 798-1400


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Rebecca Lowe Muratet

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