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A Light in the Dark

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Kristin Weis, Co-Founder & CEO of The Demand Project.

By, Macy Goodnight; The topic of human sex trafficking is uncomfortable and dark. Many would rather turn a blind eye to the issue, rather than participate in uneasy conversations. For Kristin Weis, it is a war that must be fought, and she is a warrior on the battlefield in combat for an end to this global crisis.

Her mission will now be recognized on a national level, as one of only nine individuals nationwide chosen for appointments by President Trump to be a member of the Public-Private Partnerships Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking. The appointment will serve a two-year term. She was nominated by Senator Lankford and Senator Mullin, based on her extraordinary work as Co-Founder and CEO of The Demand Project, a nonprofit organization charged with the eradication of sexual exploitation, with special emphasis on the sexual exploitation of children. The White House appointment will enable Kristin to work with lawmakers to get to the root of the Demand side of human trafficking, and shine a light on the issues that enable the consumers as well as the traffickers and dealers themselves. Kristin will learn more about her official duties within the coming weeks, but is eager to dig in and work at the highest level possible to find an end to the suffering.

“This appointment really is an affirmation of what we’ve been doing, and where we are about to go,” said Kristin. “I’m really excited to see where God goes with us from here.” Kristin and her husband, Jason, realized in 2004 that it was their calling to fight for the ultimate end to the abuse and trauma of this dark subculture, armed with faith in God that they would work to save as many victims as they could. In 2013, The Demand Project was born of strength in their conviction to strive for prevention, prosecution, the rescue of victims, and restoration of victim’s lives. In their years of experience, they have gained a deep understanding of the root causes of this epidemic, but realize that one of the biggest problems can be right in our own child’s hands. “We can see a clear path for resolution, but unfortunately the path we see is inside everyone’s home,” said Kristin.

In today’s world, most children have their own cell phones and computers with unlimited internet access. Technology has put the world at our fingertips and given us an incredible gift of infinite information and exploration. There is also a downside to this exposure, when children can navigate this vast network without supervision. “Do we actually know where our kids are going, or who is visiting them?” Kristin asked. “We wouldn’t let our children leave the house without supervision or know where they are going, or allow a strange man to walk into their bedrooms and hang out, but when we don’t monitor what our children have access to on the internet, we are doing exactly that.” The Demand Project advocates education and encourages having conversations with our children about these issues. “We need to equip our kids with the tools to protect them. Talk to them honestly,” Kristin said. “We either teach our kids and arm them, or you send them onto a battlefield with no armor.” At the root, it is all about personal responsibility.

Congratulations, Kristin, on your appointment, and thank you for all of your hard work and diligence in fighting the darkness for us all.

For more information on The Demand Project, and how you can get involved, visit their website at

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