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A Return to Wine and Roses

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A Return to Wine and Roses, the Tulsa Garden Center’s long-standing garden party gala event, has been scheduled for Friday evening, Sept. 24 at the ever-gorgeous Linnaeus Teaching Garden in Woodward Park. All proceeds from this fundraising event benefit educational programs and beautification for Tulsa’s favorite midtown oasis.

“We really missed hosting this event in 2020,” said Laura Chalus, Tulsa Garden Center CEO, “so we’re extremely thankful this year to be able to offer our guests a safe, upscale event hosted entirely outdoors.”   

Mr. and Mrs. Andy Zanovich excitedly agreed to serve as event chairs this year, which is especially poignant since this will be Andy’s final year as board president. Andy and Cassie live in an adjacent neighborhood to Woodward Park and enjoy spending family time there with their children. Andy’s commitment to Woodward Park began years ago as a Leadership Tulsa board intern, progressing to a board member, then vice president, and finally president for the past three years. “Leading an organization through these unprecedented times has been quite a challenge, but knowing that Woodward Park’s attendance has increased dramatically since the pandemic began has made it all worthwhile.”

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The Tulsa Garden Center is a nonprofit organization incorporated in 1950, with a mission to serve as horticultural headquarters with diverse educational opportunities for our community, and to provide exceptional and unique guest experiences. With a business-led board of directors, the organization’s long-range vision is for the Hellen Woodward Park & Gardens to be a premier public garden which connects all people to nature.

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“As I’ve been reaching out to restaurants, they are excited that we are back with our premier event again this year,” said Stephani Freeman, Tulsa Garden Center Donor Services Administrator. Besides the exceptional wine and spirits which guests will enjoy, some of Tulsa’s foremost restaurants participating include The Chalkboard, Justin Thompson Restaurant Group, Euro-Mart, The Vault, Roka Bar, Bravo’s Mexican Grill, KEO and Redrock Canyon Grill.

New to Wine and Roses this year is Ms. Andrea Gardner, general manager of Tulsa Hills Wine Cellar. “It is an honor to be the Wine Chair of this year’s A Return to Wine & Roses. This is a historic event which supports beautiful gardens and park space that everyone can enjoy. The success and longevity of this event really speaks to the generosity and community involvement of Tulsans. It is also a wonderful way for us to support local restaurants, wineries, breweries and distilleries by showing off what they have to offer.”

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Make plans now to purchase your ticket, as there are only a limited number of tickets available. Garden Center Member tickets are $150 and non-member tickets are $175. You may purchase online on our website or call 918-576-5160 and talk to Stephani.

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