A Secure Christmas

Give the gift of security and well-being with The Garage Butler.

By: Lorrie Jackson | Category: Other | Issue: December 2006

Jim Quintus is currently working to add extra features to Garage Butler so that those who own pets like Glory can protect their possessions while still providing air and mobility for their animals.

The Garage Butler has been sighted at the North Pole this holiday season. North Pole, Alaska that is. Why would a device invented in Owasso, Oklahoma by Jim Quintus be spotted so far north? Quintus explains, “A couple in Alaska bought the device after they went Christmas shopping and were gone for about four hours. They returned to find their garage door open and realized they were very lucky their pipes hadn’t frozen up. The water systems in that area are based in the garage and temperatures often fall to 38 degrees below zero.”

Jim adds that temperatures are not the only concern at the North Pole. Residents who have left garage doors open have returned home to find that moose, elk or even polar bears have torn up the garage interior looking for food. The couple mentioned above knew they needed to provide extra security for their home. They searched until they found The Garage Butler, a device that will give them peace of mind by knowing the garage door will close even if they get busy and forget.

Moose, bears and elk may not be a concern in the Tulsa area, but theft prevention is a universal need. Some researchers estimate that 45 percent of all burglaries occur through an open garage door. Because of this, the Garage Butler makes a great holiday gift for those you love or even for yourself. Garages often hold high priced items like golf clubs, expensive bicycles and thousands of dollars worth of tools, all of which, if lost, would cost far more than a comparatively small investment in Garage Butler.

The device works like this: You set The Garage Butler on one of six time settings. When the garage door has been left open and the selected time interval has elapsed, The Garage Butler will beep for thirty seconds to warn you that the garage door will soon close. If you do not respond, the device signals the garage door to close for you.

What if you want to keep your garage door open for some purpose? Perhaps you are cleaning the garage or having a garage sale. The Garage Butler is equipped with a dark or dusk feature, allowing you to simply press the “hold” button to stop The Garage Butler’s timing action. The garage door will not close until darkness descends on the garage, at which time the photocell inside The Garage Butler will sense the change and send out a warning signal that the garage door will close in thirty seconds. If you are concerned that a child or pet might be hurt by The Garage Butler’s action, don’t be. The device does not interfere with the safety beam or any other safety feature of the regular garage door opener.

Even with all The Garage Butler’s great features, Jim Quintus is still working to improve on his creation. Right now, he is working on a pet feature that will allow you to program The Garage Butler to open the garage door about six inches seven seconds after closing. This is a large enough space to circulate air and allow cats and small dogs to go in and out of the garage, but is too small for thieves to squeeze under. This is very important, notes Quintus, who tells the story of one woman who left her garage door open only about eighteen inches overnight for the sake of her pet. “When the woman took her child from the car seat that evening, she accidentally left her billfold lying on the seat,” Quintus recounts. “When she went out the next morning to look for it, it was gone. Someone had slipped under the garage door and stolen it.” Quintus hopes to soon have this feature perfected in order to provide even more options for those who want to protect their home with The Garage Butler.

So if you are looking for the perfect gift this Christmas, one that will provide a sense of security and well-being throughout the coming year, be sure to check out The Garage Butler. The moose, elk, bears and thieves may not appreciate your effort, but your loved ones certainly will.

For more information, contact

The Garage Butler

Quintussentials, Inc.

Owasso, OK
(918) 274-1037
1 (866) 887-8147


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