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A Solid Solution

Chandler Materials Company manufactures VERSA-LOK retaining wall systems, the solid solution that covers your needs.

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: Other | Issue: March 2007

(L to R): James M. Chandler, president, and Gary Chandler, vice president

Chandler Materials Company manufactures VERSA-LOK retaining wall systems, the solid solution that covers your needs from backyard fire pits to 40-foot serpentine walls… and anything in between.

According to Gary Chandler, Vice-President of Chandler Materials Company, the company was founded in 1917 by his great grandfather, James Marion Chandler. Ten years after founding, the operation moved to East 15th Street where they have operated for the past 80 years!

“For the past 20 years, Chandler Materials Company has manufactured the VERSA-LOK retaining wall system,” says Chandler. “With our 20 years of experience, we are the oldest VERSA-LOK manufacturer in the state. We provide installation advice to individuals, builders, and landscape companies, and will recommend landscapers and engineers to help with your landscaping project. No matter how challenging the project, there’s a VERSA-LOK system that can resolve it with engineered elegance.”

VERSA-LOK is the original solid, top-pinning segmental retaining wall system and readily accommodates soil reinforcement to build walls of nearly any height.

“Our product offers unequalled design versatility and ease of installation,” says Chandler. “If it can be designed, it can be built with VERSA-LOK!”

According to Chandler, “Thousands of do-it-yourselfers have found VERSA-LOK systems faster and easier to install than other retaining wall systems. And homeowners who prefer professional installation have found more landscape contractors enjoy working with VERSA-LOK systems than any other. Our unique pinning technology means our walls are structurally sound and there’s no second-guessing once the base course is laid.

VERSA-LOK’s solid units are easy to modify on-site, and there are no hollow units to fill which saves both labor and materials. You can build walls, curves, multiangle corners, stairs and freestanding walls and columns. No specialty units are required. From four-foot-tall backyard garden walls to 40-foot-tall serpentine retaining walls, the possibilities are limitless with the amazing flexibility of VERSA-LOK. Another benefit of the amazing wall system is that erosion can be eliminated and unusable yard space be made usable.

VERSA-LOK units are available in four colors and two attractive textures: classic split-face texture and vintage Weathered, which has a centuries-old, hand-hewn appearance that’s perfect for historic renovations and matching existing stonework.

VERSA-LOK also produces two products specially designed for select large-scale commercial or agency projects.

In many cases, VERSA-LOK segmented retaining walls work as unreinforced gravity systems in which the weight of the units alone provides resistance to earth pressures. Maximum allowable height for gravity walls varies with soil and loading conditions. Retaining walls can be built to heights of 50 feet or more with proper reinforcement and design assistance from a licensed professional engineer.

If you’re ready to add beautiful walls, steps, columns or more to beautify your home or office landscape, give Chandler Materials Company a call.

For more information about VERSA-LOK’s full line of retaining wall products, contact Chandler Materials Company, (918) 836-9151 or visit

For more inform­­ation, contact

Chandler Materials Company

(918) 836-9151

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About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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Chandler Materials Company

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Chandler Materials Company

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