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Annual Masquerade Ball Event Benefits Local Schools and Nonprofits

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Junior Ocieleta Club Moonlight Masquerade attendees enjoy an evening of fun at the annual fundraising event. Attendees of last year’s formal ball included Kim James (front, from left), Stephanie Andrews, Kara Lenard and Cassie Woods; Elizabeth Lee (center, from left), Melissa Gingerich, Lacey Gebo, Lindsey Sagely, Michelle Armstrong, Lindsey Baldwin and Samantha Dunaway; and Katy Trevathan (back, from left), Samantha Wilson, Jessica Wilbourn, Sonia Eckert, Erin Hall, Lindsay Arrowood, Savannah Haddock, Emily Brown and Mary Barras.

The women of Claremore’s Junior Ocieleta Club want you to save the date for a night of moonlight, mystery, magic and fun.

The 2019 Junior Ocieleta Club Moonlight Masquerade will be returning to Rogers County, offering the opportunity to make memories at a formal ball event, all for a worthy cause.

“This is our annual fundraising event to benefit several nonprofit agencies throughout Rogers County, as well as to raise money for our endowment scholarship program for local graduating seniors,” said Elizabeth Lee, Junior Ocieleta Club treasurer. “All the funds raised from this event go directly back into the Rogers County community, in one way or another, throughout the year.”

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Mary Barras, Savannah Haddock, and Elizabeth Lee are ready to dance the night away.

Scheduled for Saturday, May 4, at the historic Will Rogers Memorial Museum in Claremore, the annual Moonlight Masquerade begins at 7:30 p.m. and includes a catered dinner by Front Porch Bakery, a cash bar, casino tables, a wine pull, a silent auction, and a live DJ to provide music and entertainment. Attendees should wear cocktail attire and are encouraged to wear a festive mask to add to the “fun and mystery” of the night, Lee said.

“It’s a really fun way for everyone to dress up, most people know it’s a masquerade ball, so that’s always exciting,” she said, “and with our silent auction, people can bid on unique items and various services provided by local businesses and individuals from Rogers County and the Tulsa area. Just a few of those (auction items and services) in the past have been concerts, tours, personal training services, salon services – all kinds of things, and there are usually about 50 items for people to bid on.”

Business sponsorships, corporate sponsorships and tables are available, in addition to individual tickets, which will be available at the door.

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Erik and Michelle Armstrong, Twylla Chavez and Dave Billings are having a ball at the annual Junior Ocieleta Moonlight Masquerade.

Founded by Ocie Mayberry in 1956 as a nonprofit women’s service organization, members of Junior Ocieleta meet monthly, enjoy fellowship with other women, and discuss how to benefit the community by supporting area families and organizations, as well as providing scholarships to local high school seniors.

Among some of the organizations supported by the members of the Junior Ocieleta Club of Claremore are the Claremont Elementary JO Reading Room, Claremore Public Schools Foundation, the First United Methodist Church School Supply Drive, Justus-Tiawah Schools, local food pantries, numerous Adopt-a-Family Projects, Safenet Services and several others.

“The evening is one of fun, and it’s a great ‘date night’ kind of event, but the real reason behind it, which is the fundraising, is the most important aspect of the ball,” Lee said. “We always try to meet the needs of the nonprofits and people who come to us – it doesn’t matter if it’s a teacher who needs supplies for their classroom, children who need coats, or the like. We go to the nursing home at Christmas and make it special for the residents there, we take Thanksgiving dinner to families in need, we get the requests of the veterans (at the Claremore Veterans Center) and try to meet those.”

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Crystal Campbell (from left), Ashley May, Jessica Peck, Lynsey Simmons and Allison Burkhead after the “unmasking” at the annual masquerade ball in Claremore.

Top sponsors for this year’s ball are RCB Bank, Wallace for Life Essential Oils, Cherokee Nation, Mayberry Mansion, Solid Rock Realtors, Apex Title & Closing, Make it Special, More Claremore, Robson Properties, Arvest Bank and Pixley Lumber. Visit for a complete list of our wonderful sponsors.

Tickets are $35 a piece or $60 per couple and are available for purchase directly from any Junior Ocieleta member, Salon lace in Claremore or from the organization’s website.

“It’s always a good idea to get your tickets early to avoid the line at the door.” Lee said. “Join us at this fun event for a worthy cause.”

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