Value News Articles–April 2018

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Top Stories

Jim Glover on the River Chevrolet\'s General Manager Steve Harrison (left) with Kevin Thames, service manager (right).

Integrity • Accuracy • Satisfaction

Making the most of your auto service experience shouldn’t be a dreaded visit. You should be able to take in your vehicle, get it diagnosed, get maintenances and trust that you will be treated honestly and fairly with integrity and accuracy. Jim Glover Chevrolet, in Tulsa, is one of the premier auto dealerships in Oklahoma. They have received numerous awards throughout the years based on verified results from comprehensive surveys taken by customers of the dealership. Read more »

We've Still Got the Dirt

Take the challenge. “Plant part of your garden this spring with a customized product from Soil Smart and the balance of your garden without,” says Wes. “We think you’ll see a marked difference in your plants, because we’ve got the dirt. Read more »

Grass Roots Gutters

A loan from his father allowed the purchase of a used truck and gutter machine to launch his company out of his Tulsa home garage in 1982. That same year, he was approached by Gutter Helmet, seeking distribution of their revolutionary rain gutter product. Read more »

Mastering Aging

When someone says “senior center”, images of bingo may be the first thing to come to mind, but the Broken Arrow Senior Center is so much more. With a busy schedule full of more than 50 different activities to choose from, you’ll always be able to find something to do. Read more »

Twisted Soul Sisters Mother-Daughter Look-a-Like Contest

Send us your best photo of you and your mom, or two if it’s a side-by-side comparison by Thursday, April 19 for your chance to win. Read more »


Jim Glover on the River Chevrolet\'s General Manager Steve Harrison (left) with Kevin Thames, service manager (right).

Integrity • Accuracy • Satisfaction

Locally Owned, Jim Glover Chevrolet On The River is Fully Focused on the Families They Serve. Read more »

Financial Services


Six Signs You are A Target For Wire Fraud Read more »

Health & Fitness

BA Senior Center members Gene McElroy, Diane Zonko and Larry Heard hope to win this storm shelter in the raffle on May 25th.

Mastering Aging

The Broken Arrow Senior Center is a Vibrant Community for Seniors Read more »

Home Improvement

Grass Roots Gutters

Rain guard of Tulsa’s long history of industry Expertise Read more »

In Our Communities

Twisted Soul Sisters Mother-Daughter Look-a-Like Contest

2018 Mother's Day Photo Contest! Read more »

Spring Into Spring

Oklahoma's Most Popular Springtime Fun! Read more »

Lawn & Garden

Family Serving Family

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We've Still Got the Dirt

Soil Smart Partners enters second growing season providing quality top soil and compost to area gardeners. Read more »

Growing Flowers and Friendships Through Gardens

Tulsa Garden Club’s 68th Annual Garden Tour Read more »

Professional Services

Spring Swarms

Plan Now to Prevent Termite Infestation Read more »

Recreation/ Leisure

Buckets of Berries

Strawberry Season Begins at Huldy's Farm Read more »

Rogers County

Code Red

A Better Way to Keep Citizens Safe in Rogers County Read more »

Special Interest

(L to R) Chris Hartshorn, patron co-chair, Lane Hartshorn, patron co-chair, Adrienne Barnett, sponsor, Billie Barnett, sponsor, Dan Eslicker, CANdlelight Ball co-chair and Anna America, CAN’s CEO. Not Pictured: Whitney Eslicker, CANdlelight Ball co-chair.
Photo By TPC Studios

Shining a Light on Child Abuse

CANdlelight Ball Benefiting Child Abuse Network Read more »

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