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Are You an Aspiring Writer or Photographer?

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Categories: In Our Communities

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Have you ever dreamed of becoming a journalist, writer or blogger?  We have. In fact, we have turned our passion into Northeast Oklahoma’s leading consumer news magazine.

Our mission is to provide the citizens of your community with trustworthy, credible news, along with advertising that boosts your local economy.  At the same time, we provide new skills training to our freelance writers and photographers.

Write for VALUES Magazine

Would you like to be a part of the VALUES Magazine team – and get paid for it?  We have stories ready to be written about local businesses, entertainment, events and much more.  We want to help you develop your skills as you write about some of the best people and events in Oklahoma. 

Your stories could be featured as cover articles, feature articles or blogs on our one-of-a-kind website and social media platforms allowing you to build your online author status.  This exposure will allow you to attract the attention of other publications and platforms while you build your resume and connections.

Photograph for VALUES Magazine

VALUES Magazine is filled with fabulous photos surrounding all our stories, reviews and advertising.  We pride ourselves on making the people in our communities look great.  This takes a lot of photography. 

If you have your own photography equipment and have a passion for great photography, we would love to hear from you.

Your photographs can be seen by up to half a million readers monthly.  Photo recognition could allow you to grow your business, while you develop your skills and resume.

How to Contribute

For Writers, please send your resume and at least one sample about an event, business or community related story to  HYPERLINK "mailto:eat0@eau0eav0eaw0" eat0@eau0eav0eaw0.  Include a short introductory introduction of your writing experience and why you would make a great contributing writer for VALUES.  Good luck!

For photographers, please send your resume, links to photos or website, or at least 3 samples of your photography to  HYPERLINK "mailto:eat2@eau2eav2eaw2" eat2@eau2eav2eaw2.  Include a short introduction of your photography experience focusing on your strengths and preferred subjects, i.e. people, landscapes, products.  Don’t forget to tell us why you would make a great contributing photographer for VALUES.  Good luck!

See more about Are You an Aspiring Writer or Photographer?:

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