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Are You Bonkers For Bunco?

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Gamma Pi ESA Members Bobbie Martin, Janie Stevens, Lisa Willhour and Carol Applegate invite you to join them for big fun and great prizes.

You haven’t experienced summer in Inola unless you have participated in the rush and fun of the annual Bunco tournament. It is a great way to spend a summer evening even if you have never played the game before. 

The 11th annual Bunco tournament hosted by Gamma Pi ESA chapter will be held Saturday, August 25, 2018, at 4 p.m. till 9 p.m., at the Inola Hay Capital Round-Up Club.  Eleven years ago this group began this event to help benefit Food 4 Kids at Inola Public Schools, The Compassion Women’s Center, and to help provide classroom supplies for Inola’s elementary, middle and high schools.

“We always have so many wonderful groups and individuals who have the best time. Most have been returning year after year.  Our first tournament began with 77 participants and it has grown to people coming from all over Oklahoma and surrounding states,” said Janie Stevens, Gamma Pi member.

Carly Rush, award winning Tulsa radio personality will be joining the fun this year as a returning celebrity guest player. 

There will be welcome bags for each registered participant, concessions, lots of door prizes and a chance to win an amazing handmade quilt sewn by Gertrude Riddle. 

Local merchants and ESA members have donated over 100 merchandise and gift certificate prizes.  In addition to game winning prizes, you will also be able to purchase $1 tickets (or 6 tickets for $5) to participate in their 50/50 cash drawing and for raffle items. 

Do you want to win a beautiful gift basket at this event?  Attendees are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items which will be donated to the Inola Ministry House.  You will receive a chance to win the gift basket for each non-perishable food item that you donate…the more items you donate, the more chances you will have to win.

You should reserve your spot early because seating is limited.  Pre-registration and to reserve your Bunco seat is $15.00 (on or before Aug. 20th); or $20.00 at the door.  Each ticket includes a free lunch of a half sandwich, package of chips, a cookie and your choice of water, coffee or tea.. The concession stand will be stocked with homemade desserts, sandwiches and chips too.  To pre-register: mail your registration form & registration fee to Gamma Pi ESA, P.O. Box 183, Inola, OK  74036; or call (918) 637-0595  The Inola Hay Capital Round-Up Club is located at 31236 S. 4230 Rd., approximately 1 ½ miles South of US-412 on 4230 Rd.

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