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AVB Bank's Dejene Completes Graduate School of Banking

Congratulations to Ben Dejene, vice president and retail banking director of AVB Bank.

By: Kelli Sowell | Category: Financial Services | Issue: October 2012

Ben Dejene of AVB Bank.

Ben Dejene of AVB Bank.

AVB Bank is pleased to announce that Ben Dejene, vice president and retail banking director, has successfully completed the Graduate School of Banking at Colorado (GSBC). GSBC is a multi-year community banking school based in Boulder, with over 67 percent of their attendee banks reporting assets under $500 million. A targeted community banking curriculum is provided through GSBC, structured around four tracks – leadership and human resources, general management, lending, and financial ­management. The 62nd annual session of GSBC graduated 116 bankers; Dejene was one of only 12 Oklahoma graduate bankers.

    “GSBC is the country’s premier graduate community banking school. They offer a first-class educational experience and help cultivate the next generation of community bank leaders,” said Jim Boze, AVB’s CEO and president. “Ben has built an impeccable reputation as a banking professional. We are proud of his career accomplishment and his commitment to AVB Bank’s continued success.”

    State of Oklahoma Bank Commissioner Mick Thompson attended the graduation ceremonies and congratulated Dejene on his successful completion of the program and his dedication to the field of banking. Boze, along with Kelley Rash, AVB chairman of the board, and Kelli Sowell, AVB senior vice president, were also in attendance as Dejene and his graduating class were recognized for their achievements and completion of the ­prestigious graduate school.

    Dejene is responsible for AVB’s ­corporate retail sales and service and cash management. With AVB since 2003, he is a graduate of the Oklahoma Bankers Association (OBA) schools of Consumer Lending and Intermediate Banking. He is also a graduate of Leadership Broken Arrow and was recently voted by Broken Arrow Ledger readers as one of Broken Arrow’s favorite financial advisors. Dejene holds a bachelor’s degree from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. 

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AVB Bank

(918) 251-9611

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