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Being Number One

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Flip through a magazine or television and radio commercials and you’ll hear company after company tout their number one status.  But, number one in what – total sales volume, most transactions, most employees?

We sat down with OklaHomes Realty, Inc. recently to talk about what people look for in a real estate company when selling or buying a home.

“In modern advertising, ‘perception’ seems to be everything,” said Allen Stout, owner of OklaHomes Realty, inc. “Twist statistics hard enough and every company can claim they are number one at something; but this can be confusing for consumers, especially without the ability to check the facts.”

Stout explained in our fast-paced life, consumers don’t always have the time or access to research specific industry claims.  Buying or selling a home means trusting a real estate entity with the single largest investment most people will ever own. If being number one means the most transactions, Stout warns you could get lost in the shuffle of big companies.

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“What does being number one prove?” continued Stout.  “In some cases it may mean a company focuses on having the highest production, or have the most transactions, or number of agents. A more worthy goal is to be number one in trust, integrity, honesty, transparency, reputation and accessibility.  In other words, make the customer number one.”

OklaHomes selects agents that believe in the aforementioned values; and believes too much focus on the numbers can possibly lead consumers in the wrong direction.  Instead, they have built a smaller team of local, devoted agents that live and serve their community in more ways than just real estate.

Team members at OklaHomes have a long history of serving on community boards and projects, church committees, and various other philanthropic organizations.  In other words, they are dedicated to making Rogers County a better place to live so that when consumers decide to invest in a home or business here, they would have participated in making it a better place to live and work. 

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“Some real estate companies don’t have an office or agents that live in Rogers County,” said Stout. “That means they are not as familiar with a particular home, business or area like OklaHomes’ agents would be.  We feel we are personally invested in a customer’s life before we even meet them.”

If you are ready to purchase or sell a home or business in the Rogers County area, the friendly staff at OklaHomes Realty, Inc. invites you to stop by the office or give them a call today.  They have experienced professionals serving Claremore, Verdigris, Oologah, Owasso, Tulsa, Broken Arrow and Grand Lake.

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