By: Joshua Danker-Dake | Category: Health & Fitness | Issue: November 2008
Nancy Fish, Body for Life Grand Champion, has turned her enthusiasm for fitness into a career as a personal trainer.
Tulsa is home to Nancy Fish, Body for Life’s 2007 Grand Champion in the women’s age 18 to 30 category. Her journey to physical fitness is an inspiring story, and most anyone motivated and disciplined enough can have a similar one.
Body for Life is a 12-week diet and exercise program founded by Bill Phillips, a former bodybuilder, entrepreneur and author of “Body for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength.” Body for Life also sponsors the annual Body for Life Challenge, a 12-week healthy living contest in which entrants are judged on their outer and inner transformations.
“When I started trying to lose weight, I had no clue how to work out,” says Fish. “I was working at a stressful job, and I ate a lot because I was stressed out. Then I got laid off. I hated the way I looked. I tried diet pills, circuit training and the treadmill on my own, but I didn’t have success. I had a friend who’d been a finalist in the Body for Life Challenge, and I was referred to the Body for Life book.
“I took the 12-week challenge. I went to the Body for Life website – they have meal plans, workouts and cardio programs there. They have a plan for everyone. Initially, the program was difficult, but I stuck with it, and 12 weeks later, I’d lost 22 pounds, I’d changed from 22 percent body fat to 16 percent, and I’d gone from a size 10 to a size 0. I was amazed by the results. Those last four weeks I got a trainer to push me harder, and it was worth it. Eight months later Body for Life called me and told me I was the Grand Champion in my category.”
Nancy Fish’s 12-week Body for Life transformation.
The Body for Life Challenge is open to men and women of every age. If you’re interested, you can register on the Body for Life website, Take your before photos, do the Body for Life program, take your after pictures, write an essay on your inner change, and send in your packet. To enter the Challenge, you may also call
1-800-297-9776 to have an entry kit mailed to you. 2008 prizes include $25,000, a home gym and more for two Grand Master Champions and $10,000, a home gym and more for category champions.
The Body for Life program has transformed Nancy Fish’s life. “It was a huge change, and afterward I felt a lot better about myself,” she says. “I’ve become a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and I’m becoming certified to teach BodyPump and PiYo, a pilates and yoga mix.”
Fish has some tips for anyone interested in losing weight and becoming fitter. “Most people, when they want to lose weight, cut calories. But you need to keep eating,” Fish says. “It’s important to eat the right things, and it’s best to eat five or six small meals a day.” This keeps your metabolism going and helps prevent your blood sugar from spiking. Regular cardio and strength training programs are equally important.
“Body for Life is a step-by-step plan,” says Fish. “It takes motivation and discipline. Set short-term goals for yourself. It’s easy to see that short-term progress. That will help make you feel better and help you reach your long-term goals.”
Fish is a personal trainer at several local gyms. She could be your personal trainer. “I’ll hold you accountable and keep you motivated,” says Fish. “I make my workouts fun and interactive.
“Don’t think your dreams of losing weight are too far-fetched. It’s more in reach than you think. It just takes dedication.”
For more information about the Body for Life fitness program, the Body for Life Challenge, and all the 2007 Challenge Champions, including Nancy Fish, visit If you’re interested in training with Nancy Fish, call her at (918) 378-8728.
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