Budget-Friendly Kitchen Makeover

The Gleam Guard process refinishes and protects without sanding, dust, mess or toxic fumes.

By: Deanna Rebro | Category: Other | Issue: April 2010

Gleam Guard owner Tracy Booth is applying for the job of restoring wood cabinets in your home.

Gleam Guard owner Tracy Booth is applying for the job of restoring wood cabinets in your home.

If your kitchen cabinets don’t look good, neither will your new countertops or appliances. Then you start thinking: Replace? Reface? Repaint? Refinish? What about the time, expense, inconvenience and big mess ahead?

Gleam Guard owner Tracy Booth has the answer. In as little as one day, your kitchen cabinets can undergo a magic makeover that’s budget friendly and lasts for decades. The Gleam Guard process refinishes and protects kitchen and bath cabinets and just about any interior woodwork without sanding, dust, mess or toxic fumes. “People see remodelers as dusty and messy,” says Tracy. “We’re not.”  

There is literally no advance preparation. Customers don’t even need to remove shelf contents. Experienced professionals vigorously clean the surfaces and take care of all the peels and flakes from water and heat, cooking splatters, pet scratches and minor nicks and imperfections before applying the hard surface. You can leave for work in the morning and come home to like-new cabinets in a clean area.

The Gleam Guard crew works on only one job at a time, so there are no interruptions or breakaways. Most kitchens are completed in a day. Larger kitchens may require part of a second day.

The cleaning and finishing products are eco-friendly. And so is maintenance; a damp cloth is all that’s needed. For stubborn spots, a little white vinegar will do the job. You’ll never need oils or polishes again.

“I am so thankful for the people in this community who have kept me in business for 22 years,” says Tracy. “They chose to hire me to save them money while protecting a big investment. That’s a real honor.”   

He goes to each home call with an attitude of submitting a job application. He believes he has the experience, qualifications and references to make his Better Business Bureau award-winning company the best choice for those who want a good job done at a reasonable cost.

Thinking back on recent projects, Tracy recalls a large number of people who got new cabinets but found that their doors, molding, frames and other wood trims needed help. Some spent lots of money on new carpeting that only highlighted scratched-up baseboards. Gleam Guard provided the solution, quickly and inexpensively. The process can be applied to literally all woodwork – painted, pickled and whitewashed wood as well as stained wood. It even works wonders on paneling.  

The Gleam Guard craftsmen can also put the finishing touches on new granite countertops. There is typically about a half inch of unstained wood that old countertops covered but new granite slabs do not. Gleam Guard can be color matched to blend this wood with the rest of the cabinets and provide a lasting finish.

Before you make a major decision with your kitchen cabinets, give Tracy a call at (918) 951-3401. Each job is backed by integrity and comes with a five-year guarantee that includes free touch-up services if needed.

If you’re in the Woodland Hills Mall area, stop by Gleam Guard’s booth to see before-and-after finished cabinet samples in sheens ranging from satin to semi-gloss. Use the lower level (north side) Sears entrance and take the escalator to the upper level. The Gleam Guard display is in the middle of the mall, on the catwalk between Fossil and Hollister.

For more information, contact

Gleam Guard

(918) 951-3401



About Author Deanna Rebro

Deanna Rebro has worked in the publishing industry 30+ years, including eight years writing for Value News. She has also worked in real estate for the past six years. Deanna graduated from Kent State University in Kent, Ohio with a B.A. in Journalism. Outside of work, she serves as Vice President on the Board of Directors for Pet Adoption League. “Every story I write is a learning experience,” she said.

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Gleam Guard Wood Refinishing

(918) 231-1375
Tulsa, OK

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