By: Joshua Danker-Dake | Category: Special Interest | Issue: August 2008
(L to R): Suzzane Miller, Mike Ziegenhorn of the Holmes Organisation, and Larry Miller. The Millers own and operate Airtech Products, Inc., a company that manufactures high-quality industrial fans and shutters, and provide their employees health insurance through O-EPIC. The Holmes Organisation is sponsoring a healthcare seminar August 19 at the Renaissance Hotel.
The Holmes Organisation is sponsoring a healthcare seminar on Tuesday, August 19 at the Renaissance Hotel. This is a great opportunity to learn about Insure Oklahoma, a state program that subsidizes health coverage for small businesses.
“The purpose of our seminar is to help more companies understand O-EPIC and how it can benefit their business and employees,” says Mike Ziegenhorn, insurance agent and broker for the Holmes Organisation. “We’re targeting companies with fifty or fewer full-time employees. We’ll also have our corporate attorney on hand to discuss COBRA, HIPPA, and any other workplace issues that might be of concern. We’re really trying to get more businesses involved in O-EPIC. I’ve had great success with new and current clients, getting them set up in the Insure Oklahoma plan. It allows them to provide healthcare coverage to their employees who might not be able to afford it otherwise.”
The Oklahoma Employer/Employee Partnership for Insurance Coverage (O-EPIC), also known as Insure Oklahoma, is the state of Oklahoma’s program to help small businesses afford health insurance for their employees. Under O-EPIC, the state pays 60 percent of insurance premium costs, the employer pays 25 percent, and the employee pays 15 percent. Insure Oklahoma is currently available to Oklahoma businesses that have fifty or fewer fulltime employees. It is funded by the Oklahoma tobacco tax and receives matching federal monies.
The Insure Oklahoma program is expanding rapidly. Over 8,000 Oklahomans are now enrolled in the Insure Oklahoma health coverage subsidy program. “There was a big marketing push for O-EPIC this past year, and it’s really paid off,” says Ziegenhorn. “It did cause a backlog at first, but they’re adding staff and streamlining their operations, and the process is going more efficiently now. O-EPIC is rolling. There’s some upfront paperwork that I help my clients with, but once we jump all the hurdles and get the group and the employees signed up, it runs smoothly. The reimbursement my clients are getting is equal to about two months’ worth of premium a year. This is a great savings and I can’t believe more companies aren’t taking advantage of this. The biggest obstacle was the income guidelines, but they recently raised them and there are plans to possibly raise them again later this year.”
The Holmes Organisation’s healthcare seminar will be held Tuesday, August 19 at the Renaissance Hotel, located near 71st St. and Highway 169. Check-in begins at 8 a.m., and the seminar runs from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. A continental breakfast will be served. The deadline to R.S.V.P. is Wednesday, August 13.
For more information on the Holmes Organisation’s healthcare seminar or to R.S.V.P., call or email Mike Ziegenhorn. For more information on O-EPIC, visit You can visit the Holmes Organisation online at
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