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Carols and Crumpets

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Tulsa Herb Society members meet throughout the year to craft items for Carols and Crumpets.

Come and experience the sights, smells, and sounds of the upcoming holiday season at Carols and Crumpets, the annual herbal craft fair sponsored by the Tulsa Herb Society. It will be held Saturday, December 5 from 8.a.m. until 3 p.m., at the Tulsa Garden Center, 2435 South Peoria Avenue.
Tulsa Herb Society members spend the year crafting unique items, jarring delicious jams and chutneys, infusing vinegars with rosemary, basil, and other herbs, and hand-sewing a gingerbread themed Christmas tree to be raffled. The Tulsa Herb Society also has a special greenery booth with large bunches of mixed greens which can used in your holiday décor.
Other vendors will offer live wreaths, mosaic garden items, hypertufa pots, original art and cards, fused glass vases, glass and stoneware dishes, herbal soaps and spices, native crafts, garden sculptures, handmade clothing and jewelry, chalkware, and vintage merchandise.
 A special lunch is served at their Snowflake Café, which is open from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. No reservations are needed for lunch. Coffee and hot spiced ciders are available while you shop. Admission to Carols and Crumpets is free.
For more information call (918) 496-8019 or like the Tulsa Herb Society on Facebook.
A portion of the proceeds benefit the Tulsa Garden Center and Linnaeus Teaching Garden.

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