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Claremore Businessman Dedicated to Bringing Wellness

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Categories: Health & Fitness

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Owner Jonathan Dietrich.

If the walls of one Claremore business could talk, they would tell the stories of customers who have found relief from a miscellany of aches and pains through the use of hemp oil products.

While the walls themselves may not talk, the customers do, and many have shared their personal success stories through CBD (cannabidiol) oil on the very walls of the Claremore-based CBD products business:

“CBD has helped with my evening aches and pains. I think everyone needs to give CBD a shot. There are so many benefits,” wrote Nathan.

“First time to try this, and it’s amazing! Immediate relieve! I recommend this to everyone dealing with chronic pain,” wrote Kellie, and from Erica, “The staff is highly knowledgeable and kind. I definitely recommend this location and their products. They have helped me with my chronic pain tremendously.”

From behind the counter, Jonathan Dietrich simply smiles.

For nearly two years, Dietrich has been offering his customers relief from an assortment of physical and emotional maladies at his northeastern Oklahoma CBD product business, CBD American Shaman Claremore.

Although many customers were initially skeptical, Dietrich said that over time, a greater understanding of CBD oil has “demystified” the stigma that was formerly attached to it.

“When we first started, there were a lot of people skeptical – kind of questioning the products …leery, even, thinking it was marijuana in some shape or form,” he said, “since the passage of HB 788 (Oklahoma’s medical marijuana measure), people aren’t nearly so anxious about it – the mystique surrounding it has been replaced with understanding and acceptance, as people have become educated about what it is.

“People are a little more …I don’t know if I’d say comfortable, but certainly more familiar with it,” he said.

Hemp oil products offered at Dietrich’s business contain high amounts of CBD and are all-natural-extracted organically with CO2. CBD American Shaman’s products are gluten-free, 100% organic, non-GMO hemp, have no heavy metals or insecticides, are terpene-rich and batch-tested using ultra-performance convergence chromatography.

Although Dietrich noted a proliferation in recent years of CBD oil business, his customers regard American Shaman for its regulated and consistently high quality.

“We’ve got through a bit of a roller coaster business-wise, because it seems like people can find CBD everywhere these days, but our business is associated with quality – a quality product, and that’s something you’re not going to get at the little stores here and there – gas stations, pharmacies or grocery stores – but our name, reputation, and quality products definitely speak for themselves.”

To ensure quality, the U.S. Hemp Authority has created a high-quality seal for CBD products, as a measure to “standardize quality control and build a safer help industry from seed to shelf” – such as those offered by Dietrich.

“I think this will actually help, as a lot of people are wary of what to choose because of all the variety of products,” he said. “I tell them our products have all been third-party tested – I can show them the lab reports as to what’s in (the products), and they can see the quality that goes into the products.”

CBD hemp oil products come in a variety of forms, including body lotions, capsules, concentrate, edibles – including gummies, topical cream, lip revitalizer and more – even dog treats.

Among the benefits associated with CBD products are relief from ADD and ADHD, arthritis/inflammation, chronic pain, depression, diabetes, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, focus, migraines, MS, neurological disorders, PTSD, sleep disorders, stress, anxiety and more.

“I’ve had people tell me they’ve had success in relief from seizures, and even Parkinson’s,” he said. “I had a gentleman come in here one time who sampled the product, and within a few minutes, the shaking associated with the tremors decreased. It’s not uncommon for people to tell me that I’ve changed their lives, or for people to come by and not even buy anything, but just to tell us how well the products have worked for them.”

Prescriptions aren’t necessary, as American Shaman products are consistently below 0.3 THC – the maximum allowed by the government and well below the level at which consumption would create the euphoric “high.”

“I used to have people come in and ask if using these products would get them high, and I would always laugh and tell them ‘No – absolutely not,’ but they do get the relief,” he said. “Something else people like about our products is that they’re ‘full-spectrum’ – they’re not just an isolate product, the difference being that an isolate means a person is getting CBD only – they’re only getting one compound from the (hemp) plant.

“A full-spectrum gives them all the compounds – all the flavonoids, all the terpenes, all the alkaloids, all the essential oils they’re looking for,” he said. “All of these factors contribute to what’s called the Entourage Effect, which is what makes CBD work better in your body versus an isolate and work together for a greater benefit from the product. You get more ‘bang for your buck,’ so to speak.”

Dietrich, who runs the business with his brother, Anthony, learned about the benefits of CBD oil firsthand when he was seeking relief from back and knee pain from the physical toll taken on his body from when he was working as a welder.

As to what he most enjoys about what he does, Dietrich’s answer is simple: “Helping people and hearing the stories.”

“That’s what we’re here for – to help people,” he said. “Even if I open up the shop and don’t sell one thing all day but I know I had people come in and sample the product, and help people to better understand what we’re about and help one person to feel better, even for just one day – that’s what it’s all about.”

Police, firemen, first-responders, and military personnel are allowed a “Local Hero” discount on the products, and Dietrich said there’s even a Compassionate Care Program to help those on restricted incomes and option to be able to afford relief through the products at a discounted cost.

Hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

CBD American Shaman Claremore is located at 115 W. Blue Starr Drive in Claremore. For more information, call 918-343-6457, email eat0@eau0eav0eaw0, visit, or visit them on Facebook.

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Dietrich said the water-soluble solution, available in a variety of flavors, is the most popular product, being the most reasonably priced of his products, and offering the most “bang for your buck.”

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