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Classic Hollywood Horror Halloween Bash

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Melanie Hasty-Grant and husband Ken Grant dressed as in correlation with their Freak Show theme at their 2015  Halloween Haunted Mansion, sponsored each year by Waterstone Private Wealth Management.

Melanie Hasty-Grant and Ken Grant, Waterstone Private Wealth Management Owners, invite you to join them and other Owasso Area neighbors at the Classic Hollywood Horror Annual Halloween Bash happening at the Grant Haunted Mansion.  The event is open to the public on Friday, October 28, 2016, from 7:00 p.m. to Midnight.  Tickets must be purchased in advance no later than October 24th.   Those attending are asked to park at Freedom Church located at 96th North & 177th East Ave where a shuttle will run to and from the Grant Haunted Mansion every 15 minutes.  
Event admission is $50 per person with all proceeds benefiting Community Special Olympics to help athletes attend the Special Olympics held in Stillwater twice each year.  Admission cost includes an evening full of Classic Hollywood Horror and a Night of Fright with cocktails and bubbles, tastes, bites and sweets.  The event will spotlight a Costume Contest, Silent Auctions and Dance Competitions.  Raffle tickets will also be available for $5 each or in bundles at discounted prices. Exciting prize packages and items such as two rounds of golf at the Patriot Golf Club in Owasso will be raffled.  To purchase your tickets, call Waterstone Private Wealth Management for more information at 918.272.1120.  
Those attending are encouraged to get into the Halloween spirit by dressing up in Classic Dapper and Flapper Hollywood Horror style.  You’re sure to recognize remnants from horror movies like “The Exorcist”, “The Shinning”, “Rosemary’s Baby”, “Alien”, “The Thing”, “Psycho”, “Jaws”, “Poltergeist” and “Frankenstein” in each room at the Haunted Mansion.
A private event will also be hosted by the Grants on Friday, October 21st, from 7:00 to midnight.  This night is for Patriot Golf Club Members only and will include dinner and shuttle rides to and from the Mansion.  Party tickets are $250 per couple and are required for admittance and must be purchased in advance.  The event will also feature a live auction. Reserve your spot today by calling The Patriot Golf Club at 918. 272.1260.   “Generous donors have provided us with many items that will be featured at this year’s events,” said Melanie, “The October 21st event will include a Live Auction; the October 28th event will feature a Silent Auction.  Both events will spotlight extraordinary raffle packages.”
 Items that will be up for auction or raffle include a Disney World Package courtesy of Owasso Drug and Bennett’s Route 66 Pharmacy, Two Roundtrip tickets to anywhere in the continental U.S. courtesy of Southwest Airlines, custom painting courtesy of Painted Illusions, a Rustic Outdoor Steel Firepit courtesy of  Emmaus Group LLC., Multiple flower arrangements courtesy of Heather’s Flowers, Sports Packages with tickets to area sporting events including OSU Football and Basketball, Tulsa Oilers and TU Football.  A family portrait session courtesy of Amber Fulbright Photo, a gift basket from Surcee and a prize package from Twister Chasers, and Rustic Cuff braceletes will be available for auction.  
Join the Grants for an exciting evening of fun at Waterstone Private Wealth Management’s Classic Hollywood Horror Halloween Bash.  Proceeds will go to Community Special Athletes Organization, Inc., a non-profit organization that assists individuals in the community who have physical and/or mental disabilities by enabling them to attend The Special Olympics in Stillwater.

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