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Cosmosphere Camp Scholarships

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The Cosmosphere International SciEd Center & Space Museum's collection of U.S. space artifacts is second only to the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, and it showcases the largest collection of Russian space artifacts outside of Moscow.

RCB Bank is partnering with the Cosmosphere International Science Education Center & Space Museum in Hutchinson, KS, to send ten students in sixth through eighth grade to Cosmosphere Camp this summer.  Five students from Kansas and five students from Oklahoma will be awarded a camp scholarship from RCB Bank and will be eligible to choose to attend either Cosmosphere Aerospace Camp 101 or 201.

To be eligible for consideration, participants must register and compete in a space agriculture contest, where they will attempt to grow the most food within a one-cubic meter garden, mimicking experiments currently taking place on the International Space Station.  The contest begins on Feb. 1, 2019, and concludes on April 30, 2019.  For a full set of contest rules and frequently asked questions, please visit:  Students wishing to participate must register by emailing eat0@eau0eav0eaw0.

“The opportunity for students to experience true astronaut training at a young age is something they will never forget and may be the career defining moment in their lives,” said Roger Mosier, president and CEO of RCB Bank. “We are pleased to be able to offer such an opportunity for both Kansas and Oklahoma students.”

Winners will choose to attend either Cosmosphere Camp 101 or 201, where they will train like real astronauts in Cosmosphere simulators like the 4-G centrifuge, multi-axis trainer and stress simulator. Students will engage with rocket engineering history through artifacts found only at the Cosmosphere and build rockets including a model V2. Finally, contest winners will fly missions in the Falcon lll spacecraft simulator and even train for microgravity environments with a SCUBA experience.

The Cosmosphere International SciEd Center & Space Museum is located at 1100 North Plum in Hutchinson, KS. Its collection of U.S. space artifacts is second only to the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, and it showcases the largest collection of Russian space artifacts outside of Moscow. This unique collection allows the Cosmosphere to tell the story of the space race better than any museum in the world while offering fully immersive education experiences that meet the Next Generation Science Standards and introduce students to the power of wondering—asking the critical questions that lead to discovery.

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Winners will choose to attend either Cosmosphere Camp 101 or 201, where they will train like real astronauts in Cosmosphere simulators like the 4-G centrifuge, multi-axis trainer and stress simulator.

The Cosmosphere’s Carey Digital Dome Theater offers documentary showings daily and recently-released feature films on weekends. The state of the art digital 4K projection theater coupled with digital surround sound audio provides an immersive environment that wraps the viewer in a theater-going experience they won’t find anywhere else.

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