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Debbie Long Announces Run for Claremore Mayor

Longtime Claremore resident Debbie Long is pleased to announce that she will be running for the mayoral seat on the Claremore City Council.

By: Tom Fink | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: March 2023

Debbie Long

Debbie Long

Longtime Claremore resident and tenured civil servant Debbie Long is pleased to announce that she will be running for the mayoral seat on the Claremore City Council.

Long brings to her campaign both the passion, wisdom and experience needed to effectively serve as a community leader, having previously served on the Claremore City Council from 1995 to 2001, and again, from 2021 to 2022.

“As mayor, I would want to see continued positive growth for Claremore,” Long said. “Claremore is and should continue to be a place where our young families want to call home, with additional gathering places and amenities for young families, as well as our students of Rogers State University.

Building a Legacy for the Future

“Claremore has such a rich history, and I want to continue to honor that, while also building a legacy for future generations,” she said. “As mayor, I would strive for Claremore to have more dining venues, live music and events that could be enjoyed by all the members of our community.”

As a business owner for more than 30 years, Long possesses a keen insight into running and managing a business, possessing decades of accumulated wisdom with regards to managing finances and resources in every economic landscape.

Further, she has served as the director of Leadership Rogers County – an inclusive perspective-broadening program that builds networking circles and educates its participants about the community – for 20 years, as well as having served on multiple non-profit boards over the years.

“My history of long-term business management and community leadership roles has positioned me to build very practical knowledge and forge a unique network of personal and professional relationships that would serve the community in my role as mayor,” she said.

Long Hopes To Address Key Concerns

If elected, Long said there are numerous issues she hopes to address.

“As I’ve talked to the people of Claremore, several key issues have risen to the top of their concerns, among these, training and equipment for our public safety departments, clean drinking water, street maintenance, and electric utilities,” she said. “These are some of the items I would like to address and work towards arriving at some kind of resolution, if elected as mayor.”

Long said her business acumen, coupled with her familiarity with the community as a sixth-generation resident of Claremore, would give her an advantage in interfacing with members of the public, and practical problem resolutions.

“There are several steps when it comes to working through an issue – getting an understanding of the situation and what’s being done about it currently, what can be done, and how to keep an issue reduced or eliminated in our future,” she said. “Based on findings, there should be a continuation of current plans with research and implementation for any new courses of action required.”

Ultimately, Long said she seeks to become Claremore’s next mayor for the betterment of the community in which she lives, and for those who live in it – present and future generations.

“It would be my honor and privilege to serve the people of Claremore as their mayor,” she said. “I would greatly appreciate their vote and would consider it an honor to represent them as their mayor.”

Debbie Long has been married to her husband, Eric for 25 years. The couple has two adult children, two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren.

Long has earned an RSU Business Certificate, owned her own business for three decades, and in her free time, enjoys spending time with family.

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