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Don’t Let Gaps in Your Coverage Hurt Your Business

Claremore’s RCI Insurance Group helps commercial owners find the best coverage at the best price.

By: Carol Beck-Round | Category: Professional Services | Issue: February 2014

RCI Insurance Group agent Kyle Beggs is able to give business owners options when it comes to their insurance needs.

RCI Insurance Group agent Kyle Beggs is able to give business owners options when it comes to their insurance needs.

As a business owner, do you know the details of your current insurance coverage? According to RCI Insurance agent Kyle Beggs, approximately 90 percent of business owners don’t know what their policies cover. “They have gaps in their insurance and are shocked when they discover things that are not included in their current policy,” says Beggs.

    That’s where RCI Insurance and Beggs can assist the business owner. “I feel we are a step above other companies, both for personal and commercial insurance. Since we quote and write policies with multiple companies, our goal is to find the best rates and coverage for our clients.”

    Beggs enjoys helping his clients. “I love the challenge of the commercial side of the business. It is more complicated but very rewarding at the same time.” Beggs, who has been an agent for six years, is beginning his third year with RCI.

    “Because we are an independent insurance agency,” he adds, “we work for the customers –not the companies. That’s one of the advantages of our company.”

    “Options are important, whether it is for commercial auto, commercial property, worker’s compensation or general liability,” he says. “We are a one-stop shop because we offer everything a business owner needs, including umbrella plans, key person life insurance and disability insurance.”

    An umbrella policy is additional insurance to cover any claims exceeding the limits of a business owner’s basic insurance. “Since we have over 20 companies from which we can choose for our commercial clients," he says, “we can get the best coverage for the best price.”

    RCI’s agents work three months in advance, reviewing every policy as it comes up for renewal. “If we notice a large premium increase, we try to find a company with a better rate,” he adds. “We also cover many of the larger businesses in town.”

    “Recently,” says Beggs, “we were able to give a manufacturing business in the Industrial Park three similar quotes. They chose the one in the middle because they felt comfortable with the company. It is a huge advantage to give your clients options.”

    Free insurance reviews are also available. “You can call for an appointment, walk in, email me at eat0@eau0eav0eaw0, or go to our website at, and fill out an application to get a quote,” Beggs adds.

    RCI Insurance wants their customers to be happy. If a client is unhappy with rates, RCI can shop around but their goal is to offer quality coverage at competitive rates.

    Giving back to the community is another goal the insurance agency pursues with a passion. Beggs serves on the boards of the Chamber of Commerce, Claremore School Foundation, RSU Alumni and is a member of the Rotary Club. RCI is involved in many fundraisers and supports community organizations and charities including Safenet Services, Blue Star Mothers, CASA, Big Brothers, Big Sisters and John 3:16 Mission.

    You can go to their Facebook page at where you can “like” their page and help support worthy causes. “The more likes and shares we get, the more we donate,” says Amber Helmuth, personal risk manager. “We post our community events and involvement on our page, where we also run contests periodically.” In the past, RCI has given away trips to the Tulsa Zoo and gift cards on their Facebook page. The business not only makes a difference in the lives of their clients but in the world as well.

For more information, contact

RCI Insurance

621 N. Cherokee
Claremore, OK 74017
(918) 341-6081


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About Author Carol Beck-Round

After 30 years in public school education, Carol Round retired and moved from Grand Lake to Claremore, Oklahoma in 2005, where she writes a weekly faith-based column which runs in 14 Oklahoma newspapers as well as several national and international publications. Three volumes of her columns have been compiled into collections: A Matter of Faith, Faith Matters and by FAITH alone. She has also written Journaling with Jesus: How to Draw Closer to God and a companion workbook, The 40-Day Challenge. This past year she has written three children’s books, a series called Nana’s 3 Jars, to teach children about the value of giving, saving and spending money. All of Carol’s books are available through Amazon. In addition to writing her weekly column, authoring books and speaking to women’s groups, she writes for Value News. She also blogs regularly at When she is not writing or speaking, she loves spending time with her three grandchildren, working in her flowerbeds, shooting photos, volunteering at her church or going on mission trips overseas, and hiking. She is also an avid reader and loves working crosswords and trying to solve Sudoku puzzles.

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RCI Insurance

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RCI Insurance

(918) 341-6081
621 N Cherokee Ave | Claremore, OK 74017
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