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Don’t Miss the Chocolate Affair

One of the most popular, frequently craved delicacies in the world is chocolate.

By: Christy Means-Smith | Category: Other | Issue: October 2008

The Chocolate Affair at Claremore Community Center on October 30 will offer a variety of delectable chocolates and will benefit the Rogers County United Way.

One of the most popular, frequently craved delicacies in the world is chocolate. Chocolate is a favorite treat for people of all ages, and on October 30 the Claremore Community Center will be hosting a chocolaty event that promises to be delectable for children and adults alike. The United Way’s annual Chocolate Affair is the perfect place to get your pre-Halloween sweets head start. Attendees will not only enjoy a chocolate-filled evening, but also will be supporting the Rogers County United Way.

Chocolate has the reputation of being the love food. Casanova considered it the elixir of love, as it contains a natural substance that reportedly produces the same reaction in the body as falling in love does. No wonder chocolate is so popular on Valentine’s Day! Another reason to love chocolate? It’s good for you. Chocolate can actually help the body absorb and use calcium more efficiently. This complex food, with over 300 compounds in each wonderful taste, can also be mood-enhancing, comforting and cheering.

Community vendors at the Chocolate Affair will be offering delectable samples of specialty chocolates, and to-go boxes will be provided for those who would like to take home a delicious memento to savor at leisure. And, because the event is on the eve of Halloween, there will be an extra incentive to don a costume.

“We will have a contest for those who dress up, and prizes will be awarded from supporting vendors for the best outfits,” says Gloria Hewling, event chair.

Tickets for the event are $10. This cost covers entry and five samples of the tasty treats. Typically, close to a dozen or more vendors are on hand to choose from. The vendors come from the community and surrounding areas to participate in the event – Pink House and Hammett House, for example, have been consistent participants – and the public is treated to samples of their best and most requested sweets.

The Chocolate Affair will also have two auctions, one silent and the other a live auction for larger items. Door prizes from each agency supported by the United Way will include contents that are pleasing to all ages.

Tickets for the Chocolate Affair can be purchased at any Rogers County United Way agency. The event will be held from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. at the Claremore Community Center, located at 2301 N. Sioux.

For more information about this event or signing up as a vendor, call Gloria Hewling at (918) 341-7588.

For more information, contact

Claremore Community Center

2301 N. Sioux
Claremore, OK 74017
(918) 341-7588

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