Value News Articles - Dreams - Value News

Dreams and Their Meanings

By: Chris Putman | Category: Special Interest | Issue: January 2021

Many don’t realize that people get a lot done during their sleep. They tend to clean house, so to speak, of emotions that have been in play during their day. It’s an overnight therapy session of sorts, and it’s a time to file away those memories made. Most of the psychological work is done during those mysterious minutes call REM or rapid eye movement phase of sleep. Bottom line, what is that nighttime movie being watched in our head?

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Dreams and Their Meanings

By: Chris Putman | Category: Special Interest | Issue: November 2020

Many don’t realize that people get a lot done during their sleep. They tend to clean house, so to speak, of emotions that have been in play during their day. It’s an overnight therapy session of sorts, and it’s a time to file away those memories made. Most of the psychological work is done during those mysterious minutes call REM or rapid eye movement phase of sleep.

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