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Eat Right, Move Right

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Categories: Health & Fitness

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Pastors Billy Joe and Theresa Watts.

Eating and exercise go hand in hand when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Although we eat and move our muscles every day, we may not be doing the right things to achieve the greatest benefits for our bodies.
 The Health Service Team at The Rock Church is offering an opportunity to learn about health, nutrition and exercise.  On November 4th they will present Healthy Eating Coach Sharon Stroud and International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB)  professional women’s physique body builder Brittany Watts to share their expertise on becoming healthy and staying healthy.
Sharon Stroud is well known in the area for her lectures and television recipes.  She teaches how to shop for key nutritious, yet budget-friendly foods and how to prepare them into delicious recipes.
Brittany Watts, daughter of Pastors Billy Joe and Theresa Watts, has a passion for fitness. Brittany will show how to exercise appropriately to optimize results without injury.
Pastor Billy Joe recalls the seed that grew into this popular community outreach program. About five years ago the two pastors and their daughter decided to accept a Zumba class challenge, with high-impact dancing as well as a personal trainer.  
“There I was, the only man,” he chuckles.  “But I really got into it and had a good time.”   Mom and daughter could not agree more.
About the same time, a nurse in the congregation approached Pastor Billy Joe about her dream of someday creating a wellness program within the church.  She saw a means to educate and empower people to live a healthy lifestyle each day. The pastor saw how the idea fit into the church’s ten-point master plan that includes training people on wellness issues that relate to good health. Several other nurses immediately got on board.
They all acted upon that feeling that was deep within their hearts.  They wanted to become healthy and fit and wanted to help others do the same.  
To date, Pastor Billy Joe has lost 21 pounds.  Pastor Theresa is unstoppable with her own Vision Mondays at the church and popular women’s ministry on living a Godly life in today’s challenging world.  Daughter Brittany went on to achieve professional status in women’s body building and is now training for world-renowned competitions.
The Rock Church Health Service Team has incorporated numerous professional partners to present life-changing and life-saving screenings on blood pressure, blood sugar, oral health, colon health and more.Pastor Billy Joe marvels at what has transpired in these past few years.
“Men and women should be healthy in spirit, soul and body,” he says.  “The Bible emphasizes taking care of the temple, our bodies. When you stop and think about it, our physical health actually runs parallel to our spiritual health.”
The latest wellness presentation of The Rock Church Health Service Team will be at 4 p.m. on November 6th at The Rock Church Business Offices, 2017 S. Elm Pl., Ste. 104. The cost is $15. Everyone is welcome. 

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