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Exhibitors & Vendors: Time to Come Together for the Claremore Home & Garden Show

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Categories: Home & Garden

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Claremore Expo’s indoor arena is the space to showcase large equipment exhibits.

One of northeast Oklahoma’s biggest expos to highlight all things home, lawn, and garden is returning to Rogers County this spring.

But before the Claremore Home & Garden Show can open its doors, it’s still looking for local vendors to be a part of this annual event.

“Vendors are definitely the life blood of these events – without our vendors, we wouldn’t have these shows, and there’s still time for people who might be interested in learning more about being an exhibitor to contact us and get involved,” said Allison Burkhead, special events manager, Claremore Expo & Tourism Development.

The Claremore Home & Garden Show is an annual event at which vendors from across the state converge to make their business, product, and/or services available to the public at one of the best-attended events of its kind in the region.

“Being an exhibitor at this event is an ideal way to let people know within the Claremore and Rogers County communities that we offer all of the same services found, say, in Tulsa County,” Burkhead said. “By becoming a vendor at this annual event, a person or business will get exposure to the public to show them that they don’t have to go outside the area to find some of the resources available to them locally.

“Becoming a vendor is actually super easy,” she continued. “The applications, and the layout of the event site are on the website, or they can call me directly and I can send them the details. We do try to keep it as inexpensive as possible, in fact, most of our vendors find that appearing at this event is actually more economical for them than if they were to appear at a similar show in the Tulsa area.”

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All types of businesses are invited to participate in this year’s Claremore Home & Garden Show.

Burkhead said she and Claremore Expo staff are flexible with vendors at all of their events, such as the Home & Garden Show.

“We provide our exhibitors with all the essential materials they would need to get set up, such as pipe & drape, tables and chairs, electric, and wi-fi are all included in the exhibitor fee,” she said. “We always assume they’ll need at least one table and two chairs, but they may request more without being charged. Setup time is on Thursday from noon to 8 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. – if it’s just kind of an informational thing and they want to bring a tablecloth to cover the table and set up their materials. They don’t have to come before the show – that’s up to them, and of course, we have a vendor hospitality room for them, which will have some snacks, drinks and those kind of things – this creates a private area for the vendors to enjoy a quick bite or a moment of relaxation away from the public.”

Sponsorships for the event are still available, Burkhead said, and are being “actively sought.”

“By becoming a sponsor, a business or industry is given extra exposure, appearing in our promotional materials, and as a sponsor, they’re also allowed an exhibitor space, so they would in turn be allowed to participate in the show for no additional fees,” she said.

Sponsorship levels are available at several levels, such as Vendor Hospitality Sponsor (for an investment of $500), a Kidz Zone Sponsor (for an investment of $1,500), a DIY Sponsor (for an investment of $2,500), a Major Sponsor (for an investment of $3,500), and a Presenting Sponsor (for an investment of $4,500).

Benefits of being a sponsor are dependent upon the level of sponsorship, but may include recognition in the vendor hospitality room during the show, a 10 x 10 booth during the Home & Garden Show, company logo to be displayed on the event website and social media with links to their website, a company banner placed on-site during the event, and more.

Although vendor booths and sponsorships are still available, space is limited, so the earlier applications are made, the better, Burkhead said.

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This show will be advertised heavily and brings out thousands of people during the event.

The Claremore Home & Garden Show will be held from Friday, April 5 through Sunday, April 7 at the Claremore Expo Center, 400 Veterans Parkway in Claremore. Event hours are 12-6 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.

To inquire about being a vendor, contact Burkhead by email at eat0@eau0eav0eaw0 or by phone at 918-341-8688, extension 1.

See more about Exhibitors & Vendors: Time to Come Together for the Claremore Home & Garden Show:

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