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Expo Set for September 20

What the community of Broken Arrow has known in the past as its Annual Expo has been renamed, redesigned, rescheduled and relocated.

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: Other | Issue: August 2008

Steve Moeller, 2008 committee chairman, encourages local businesses to look into the new Home & Business Expo scheduled for Saturday, September 20 at Nienhuis Park in Broken Arrow.

What the community of Broken Arrow has known in the past as its Annual Expo has been renamed, redesigned, rescheduled and relocated. This year’s show will be known as the Broken Arrow Area Chamber of Commerce 2008 Home & Business Expo. The show has received a total facelift and is destined to have a much broader appeal to businesses, manufacturers and residents of Broken Arrow and surrounding communities.

The Home & Business Expo has been rescheduled from its previous August date to Saturday, September 20, one week prior to the Tulsa State Fair. It will be located in the beautiful Nienhuis Park at 3201 N. 9th Street (Lynn Lane) in Broken Arrow. In addition to 80 standard 10-foot by 10-foot indoor booths, there will be a limited number of outside booths available for companies whose products lend themselves to an outdoor application and setting.

The objective of the Expo facelift is to create a much broader appeal to exhibitors, businesses and the general public. The committee hopes to generate more home improvement businesses to exhibit at this year’s Expo, which in turn will broaden the overall appeal of the show to both related businesses and consumers.

The new location at Nienhuis Park will also give the show more street appeal, especially with the addition of outdoor exhibitors.

Local businesses specializing in home or garden equipment and products, play equipment for children, fireplaces, patios, ponds, landscaping, home materials and outdoor kitchen products will want to check out the show’s outdoor exhibit possibilities. A prize will be awarded to the exhibitor with the most creative exhibit design.

Steve Moeller is the committee chairman for this year’s Home & Business Expo, and he encourages area businesses and manufacturers to contact Kathy at the Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce for show details and additional booth information.

“There are a lot of people living in Broken Arrow who really are not aware of the great variety of products and services available right here in our community,” says Moeller. “It’s important to keep our focus on Broken Arrow and do our best to select products and services that are available here at home.”

Home & Business Expo 2008 will also feature kids’ activities, and the entire family will find things to do, in addition to products and services of interest throughout the day. “We hope to have everything from home decorating products, home utility products and services, products offering solutions to high energy costs, outdoor specialty items and more,” says Moeller. This year’s EXPO is destined to generate a high level of excitement with all its new features. Plus, the plan is to have a number of food vendors on hand to offer a variety of dining options throughout the day.

Vendors will be encouraged to have giveaways or drawings for products and services during the event. They are also encouraged to sell their products on site if applicable.

Whether you are a potential exhibitor or a member of the general public, you’re invited to be a part of the all-new Broken Arrow Area Chamber of Commerce 2008 Home & Business Expo. Please contact the Chamber office for more information or to reserve your exhibit space now.

For more information, contact

Broken Arrow Area Chamber of Commerce

(918) 251-1518

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About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce

For more information, contact:

Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce

(918) 893-2109
210 North Main St. Suite C | Broken Arrow, OK 74012

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