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Exposing Local Businesses

The 19th annual Home & Business Expo showcases local companies and services August 20.

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: August 2011

Kathy Reynolds and Dollie Mitchell of the Broken Arrow Area Chamber of Commerce are planning ­Broken Arrow’s Home & Business Expo 2011.

Kathy Reynolds and Dollie Mitchell of the Broken Arrow Area Chamber of Commerce are planning ­Broken Arrow’s Home & Business Expo 2011.

One of the best ways to let ­others know about your business is to present it to your friends and neighbors of Broken Arrow and surrounding communities attending the 19th annual Home & Business Expo, sponsored by the Broken Arrow Area Chamber of Commerce. The 2011 event is scheduled for Saturday, August 20 at Nienhuis Park, located just north of Kenosha on Lynn Lane.

The expo is a great way to show off your business, ­products, and services you offer to the community. “Most exhibitors prefer indoor display spaces,” says Events & Communications Coordinator Dollie Mitchell. “But we will provide outdoor exhibit areas if your company or the products your manufacture, sell or ­represent require it.”  

Show hours for the expo have changed this year. Be sure to note that the event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – plenty of time to proudly display your business, plus network with other individuals attending the show. The concept of the expo is to showcase the outstanding businesses and services Broken Arrow has to offer area residents and visitors. “There is still time to reserve a space at the Home & Business Expo to feature your business. However, don’t put it off too long as space is limited,” says Kathy Reynolds, Senior Vice President of Programs.

Some exhibitors have ­represented at the expo since its inception, and new businesses are locating in Broken Arrow each year as the population grows and services expand. Business owner Teri Hiatt of Pampered Chef has exhibited each year and attributes the event as the main component for her thriving business in Broken Arrow today. This year marks her eighth year in our city, and she still enjoys doing business with many of the people she met at her first expo.

Presenting Sponsor for the 2011 Home & Business Expo is Cox Business. Gold Sponsors include Floral Haven Funeral Home, Broken Arrow Ledger, and Tulsa Technology Center. Dollie says they are expecting 100 vendors at this year’s ­production. Where else are you going to find so many quality businesses together at the same time, where you can get valuable information about their products and services that appeal to you and your family?  

Here’s just a sampling of exhibitors that have reserved booths for the 2011 show: Windstream Communication, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Back To Health Wellness Center, Pampered Chef, Ballroom Revolution, Immanuel Lutheran Christian Academy, All The Little Things, LIFE Senior Services, Indian Springs Animal Hospital, Fitness Together, The Book Place, Smith Boys Carpet Services, Redbud Physical Therapy, Summerside Winery, Olshan Foundation Solutions & Landscaping, Martial Arts Advantage, area restaurants, and many more. The expo caters to the total community and the entire family. Food vendors will be on hand, and Nienhuis Park has play areas for the kids. The swimming pool will also be open.

Whether you want to meet new people and find out about their businesses, do some ­networking, or promote your business to the public and ­generate new leads, the expo is a great opportunity and the ideal place to do so. It puts you in the thick of the action as either an exhibitor or attendee. Call the Broken Arrow Area Chamber today and make your reservation if you desire a booth space. Be sure to mark your ­calendar to attend the fun, informative Home & Business Expo 2011 on August 20.

For more information, contact

Broken Arrow Area Chamber of Commerce

(918) 251-1518


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About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce

For more information, contact:

Broken Arrow Chamber of Commerce

(918) 893-2109
210 North Main St. Suite C | Broken Arrow, OK 74012

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