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Feeling Your Best - Naturally

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Categories: Health & Fitness

Full Body Light Therapy, or Photobiomodulation, can provide an incredible array of beneficial effects on the body.

By, Macy Goodnight; There are many ways to improve the quality of one’s life, but overall health and wellness should be at the top of the list for anyone. The professionals at Feet Unlimited Inc. and Restoring Body Health are committed to working with their clients on finding balance and restoration for their complete and total well-being.

John Chatzigiannidis (D.O.M.P, C.PED, A.C.M.T), has a keen understanding of the demands of our bodies for overall self-care. Complementary therapies are his specialty, with a healthy and natural approach to healing and healthy living. “These therapies are proven successful, with little or no side effects,” he said.

One of the revolutionary therapies he provides is Full Body Light Therapy, or Photobiomodulation. Studied by NASA and approved by the FDA, the red and near-infrared light promotes healthy cellular function, and may ultimately provide faster healing while helping you feel better. Sessions typically last between 15 to 20 minutes, with no more than three 15-30 minute sessions per week. Many professional sports teams utilize the technology for muscle recovery.

“Unlike many other types of treatments found elsewhere, these therapies are completely safe and have no harmful side effects,” said John. “It simply harnesses the natural healing benefits of a specific range of light, and delivers this energy at a higher rate than the sun.” Patients find the experience to be very relaxing and energizing. This revolutionary therapy is rapidly becoming commonplace in numerous medical specialties due to its many applications and benefits. Red and Infrared Light Therapy has been scientifically proven to provide a range of benefits, including:

  • Pain management
  • Inflammatory management
  • Limited joint mobility
  • Stimulates lymph system activity
  • Odema/Swelling
  • Regeneration after sport activity
  • Injury prevention
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle spasm

Additionally, the therapy may help patients find relief with high blood pressure, tissue and nerve damage, arthritis and chronic/acute pain. “With so many benefits and advantages, most anyone will find they feel better, and this is our biggest goal,” said John, “to help our patients feel their absolute best.”

Like a spacesuit, Pressotherapy provides lymphatic drainage, with many health benefits.

Pressotherapy is another innovative concept in healing provided at Feet Unlimited Inc. and Restoring Body Health. “The patient is outfitted with what looks like a spacesuit,” John said. “It’s successful in that it helps to cleanse the lymphatic system, which is very important for our health.” An exclusive detoxifying treatment, it works to provide effective lymphatic drainage, to promote the body’s natural toxin clearing functions. The therapy may provide and promote healing of acute injuries, as well as pain relief associated with a long-term illness, such as rheumatoid arthritis. It can also help prevent illnesses, as well as provide relaxation and overall skin health. “Our lymphatic system plays a vital role in keeping our bodies healthy,” said John. “This method truly works to provide results.” The treatment is a computer-controlled compression system, which operates using inflating pumps. Chambers inside the suit are positioned around the limbs and focus on moving the lymph. “My hope is that everyone will realize the importance of Lymphatic Drainage Therapy,” he said. “We take our health for granted and do not realize how quickly it can be taken away without proper attention.”

Consultation is the best way to find which healing therapy is right for you. Everyone deserves to live their best life- call John today.

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