First in Class

Cross Timbers School provides comprehensive learning through the A Beka curriculum.

By: Duane Blankenship | Category: Education | Issue: August 2011

Children representing pre-K through first grades enjoy summer activities offered at Cross Timbers School in Owasso.

Children representing pre-K through first grades enjoy summer activities offered at Cross Timbers School in Owasso.

Cross Timbers School in Owasso was established nearly nine years ago and caters to the working parent. “Cross Timbers School is leading the way in options for your child,” says Co-founder and Educational Director Debbie Williams. “We feel the A Beka curriculum reflects the very best comprehensive learning program from a Christian perspective by providing academic excellence and good character training for our students.” Cross Timbers is for students pre-K ages 3, 4 and 5, kindergarten, and first grade. They also have a nursery program for birth through 2 years where students are taught self-help skills, character training, and age appropriate learning skills including numbers and the alphabet. These youngsters benefit from a learn-through-playing approach.

The A Beka curriculum is a Christian educational program developed specifically for young children to introduce them to Bible stories, letters, and numbers, encouraging a strong ­foundational base to help them succeed through first grade. Many Cross Timbers School ­parents have come back to thank staff members for the head start they feel their children received in preparation for attending ­public schools. Another asset of Cross Timbers School, according to Program Director Julie Klinetobe, is that all classrooms are limited to 16 or fewer children.  

The fall school year will begin August 22, and two new pre-K classes have been added to accommodate increasing enrollment demands. Now is a good time to visit Cross Timbers School if you are considering enrollment for your child. Tours are conducted daily between the hours of 10a.m. and 2p.m. If those times are not convenient, you may make a special appointment to visit with a member of the faculty and tour the school.

Cross Timbers provides all inclusive educational programs for your child, plus their care. Working parents may drop ­children off as early as 7a.m. Classes are held from 9a.m. to 3p.m., and students may be picked up after work.

While most schools, public and private, close for spring and fall breaks and Christmas break, Cross Timbers School remains open so that parents don’t have to worry with finding someone to look after their children. During those vacation times, ­students are provided fun activities while getting a break from the curriculum. It’s also nice to know that when other schools are closed due to inclement weather, such as snow or ice, Cross Timbers is open just as soon as the roads and parking lot are cleared, usually in one to two days.

Cross Timbers School also conducts a summer camp full of fun and learning each year. The camp includes a light review of the basics learned by students during the school year, but it is mostly filled with a lot of fun activities: arts and crafts, field trips, history days, and community service projects. One camp project this summer involved ­students ­collecting $200 in ­pennies from parents, family friends and ­relatives. They used the money raised to purchase food for the local food bank, a valuable lesson in respect and ­helping others.

To learn more about Cross Timbers School, call for your tour or visit You can also find them on Facebook.


For more information, contact

Cross Timbers School

13620 E. 103rd St. N.
Owasso, OK 74055
(918) 274-8338


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About Author Duane Blankenship

Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.

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