Category: Financial | Issue: March 2025
Tulsa County Assessor John A. Wright makes it easier for you to claim your property tax exemptions!!
You may file for your 2025 property tax exemptions at the Tulsa County Assessor’s Office. We are located on the fifth floor of the Tulsa County HQ Building at Sixth and Denver in Downtown Tulsa. In addition, the locations listed below are available, on the days noted, for you to file the following exemption applications and other documents. For questions, please call our office at 918-569-5100. You can also visit our website at to obtain more information or to download forms.
Mon, Mar 3, 2025 - Broken Arrow - Court Clerk Satellite Office - 123 N Main St - 8:30a – 4:30p
Fri, Mar 14, 2025 - Broken Arrow - Court Clerk Satellite Office - 123 N Main St - 8:30a – 4:30p
The Assessor is responsible for placing a Fair Cash Value (Market) on property as of the tax date (January 1) of each year. Oklahoma property taxes are "ad valorem", a Latin term meaning "as to value." Property tax systems are based on market value of real, personal and public service properties. All property in the State of Oklahoma is taxable unless a federal or state law provides an exemption. Public service properties are centrally valued by the Oklahoma Tax Commission. County Assessors in Oklahoma are responsible for establishing values of all taxable property within a county. This value is converted into an assessment, which is one component in the computation of real property tax bills. The Assessor has no jurisdiction or responsibility for taxing jurisdiction budgets or establishing the tax rate. By Title 68 Section 2815 of the Ad Valorem Tax code, "the County Assessor shall take an oath that he will assess all property as provided by law." To ensure that fair and equal assessments are achieved, this office has fully trained and accredited field appraisers who continually work to update property records fairly and accurately. Tulsa County's appraisal system is based on modern, sound, and nationally accepted appraisal principles and methods. The County Assessor's only function is the assessment of property. The Assessor's office does not set your tax rate or collect taxes. Tax rates are set by the County Excise Board depending on funding needed for units of government and schools, as allowed by Oklahoma law, and to pay for bonds approved by voters for capital improvements such as utilities, education, libraries, and school buildings. The County Treasurer's office is responsible for the collection of all tax monies. The Tulsa County Assessor is committed to the principle that each and every citizen is always to be: - treated with courtesy and respect. - treated fairly and equitably. - provided prompt services and information. - given personal and professional attention. - provided an opportunity to have your suggestions and opinions heard and acted upon. - informed of all exemptions for which you may be qualified to receive. - referred to the appropriate department or individual in a friendly and courteous manner. - informed as to how your property is being assessed and how to appeal your value. John A. Wright was elected Tulsa County Assessor and officially took office December 1, 2018. Prior to that, John has served with the Assessor’s Office for eight years. While the fundamentals of property appraisal are unchanged the job has become more technical, statistical, analytical, and complex over recent years. John Wright has the training and experience to meet these new challenges. His background includes: Assessment Administration Specialist (AAS) - Conferred by the International Association of Assessing Officers, September 2018 County Assessor Certification, OSU County Training Program - Completed Requirements for Certification, October 2016 Accredited Member Status (IAM) - International Association of Assessing Officers, Achieved 2015 Advanced Assessor Accreditation - Oklahoma Tax Commission, Awarded June 2011 Initial Assessor Accreditation - Oklahoma Tax Commission, Achieved and Awarded February 2011 Member, Oklahoma House of Representatives - House District 76, 1998-2010 Chairman, Administrative Rules Committee - Oklahoma House of Representatives, 2005-2010 Elected by the House Majority Caucus to Serve as Caucus Chairman, 2006-2010 Oklahoma Licensed Real Estate Broker 062681 - Currently Inactive Status Associated with The Greater Tulsa Association of Realtors, 1998-2010 BS, Marketing - Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL Ed Quinton, Jr., Osage County (918) 287-3448 JaNell Enlow, Creek County (918) 224-4508 Scott Marsh, Rogers County (918) 923-4795 Sandy Hodges, Wagoner County (918) 485-2367 Services Homestead exemption, additional homestead exemption, senior property valuation limitation, veterans, agricultural renditions, business renditions, manufactured home renditions, manufactured home exemption, property tax refund
(918) 596-5100
218 W. Sixth St. | Tulsa, OK 74119
For Free!