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Fun for the Entire Family!

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Spring has sprung at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum and events this year are more fun than ever!  Event dates are planned to include a “Barter Bash” for kids to trade toys, “Family Days” where you can participate in live demonstrations, “Shindig” with live music, and “Movie Night” in their newly renovated Will Rogers Theatre. There is more to do, see and participate in than ever before with more events on the horizon.

Will’s Barter Bash is being held on the museum lawn the second Saturday of each month April thru October, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Bring a blanket and set up beside the sunken gardens with plenty of space. Kids can trade toys, games and other fun items. There is no money, all bartering. You won’t want to miss the first one on April 10, 2021.

Next up are Family Days held on the third Saturday of the month, April thru October. Future “Family Days” will explore the Victorian Era of Will’s time with a High Wheel demonstration with Bob Allen from Bike About Bicycles, Lawn Games and Lemonade, the History of Snow Cones, Women’s Suffrage, Life in the early 1900s and enjoy family-friendly activities and demonstrations such as corn grinding, butter churning, 19th-century games, candle dipping, wool spinning and corn husk dolls. Last but not least, join Lea McCormick for traditional basket weaving.

From left to right:  April 17, 2021: Explore Candy from Will’s time in the 1920s. The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory will be on-site for chocolate-making demonstrations and samples, 

May 15, 2021, High Wheel, June 19, 2021, Lawn Games & Lemonade

From left to right: July 17, 2021, History of Snow Cones, Aug. 21, 2021, Women’s Sufferage, Sept. 18, 2021, Life in the Early 1900s, Oct. 16, 2021, Basket Weaving

Lights!  Cameras!  Action!  Movie Nights will take you back to a simpler time when slapstick and vaudeville were all the rage.  Did you know that classic movies have been trending as some of the best family entertainment activities?  Admission is free, along with free popcorn and water thanks to the Bank of Commerce. 

Every “Movie Night,” you won’t want to miss the live music and games SHINDIG happening on the back porch.

From left to right: April 30, 2021, Buster Keaton in “Cops” and “One Week”, May 28, 2021, Will Rogers in “Doubting Thomas”, June 25, 2021, Laurel & Hardy’s “Blotto”

From left to right: July 30, 2021, Will Rogers “State Fair”, Aug. 27, 2021 “Will Rogers Follies”, Sept. 24, 2021 “The Kid”, Oct. 29, 2021 “Nosferatu”

More exciting happenings to come include the Tuesday Night Lecture Series, Wild West Kids Camp, Overnight at the Museum, Halloween at the Museum, the Will Rogers Motion Picture Festival, and end the year with Will’s Hollywood Holidays, and Santa Pictures at the Museum.

Yes indeed, the Will Rogers Memorial Museum has more to offer the entire family than most any other venue in the area.  You can see more exciting events planned by visiting their website and click on the VISIT tab and select UPCOMING EVENTS.

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