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Get A Fair Price For Your Vehicle

Without the Uncertainty, Danger, and Hassle Of Selling It Yourself

By: Mary Bransford | Category: Other | Issue: October 2006

Conner, Ryan and Wyatt Phillips will do everything it takes to sell your vehicle.

Getting the best value for your trade-in can be a little tricky. On the other hand, trying to sell your vehicle yourself can prove even trickier. That’s where Fair Sale can help.

A service of AutoClone, Fair Sale is an innovative new approach to selling cars that helps you get a fair price for your vehicle without the uncertainty, danger, and hassle of trying to sell it yourself.

AutoClone is a locally owned business, created by Wyatt Phillips and his sons, Ryan and Conner. The company has made a name for itself by providing clients with 360-degree exterior and interior virtual tours online to help sell cars, trucks, boats, RVs and planes. Consumer demand for a complete vehicle marketing service prompted the trio to launch Fair Sale last year.

Safety is a primary concern to anyone to anyone who tries to sell a vehicle on his/her own. Fair Sale eliminates the worry by handling all of the details for you from advertising to the test drive to closing the deal.

“Fair Sale offers you an alternative to having a stranger come to your home or meet you at another location to view your vehicle,” said Conner. “In addition, you won’t have to leave your vehicle on a street corner or in a parking lot and risk it being vandalized, hit, stolen, towed, or ticketed.”

Fair Sale takes all phone calls and e-mails about your vehicle so you don’t have to give out your private phone numbers and e-mail addresses. The Fair Sale crew even accompanies potential buyers on test drives.

“We’re insured, licensed, and bonded,” says Conner.

Then, there is the Fair Sale guarantee. “We will advertise and sell your vehicle at an agreed price, within an agreed period of time, for at least $1,000 over trade-in value (based on published value),” Conner explains.

Exactly how does the Fair Sale process work? First, Fair Sale goes through your car with you and tells you what it’s worth based on book value. Then Fair Sale gathers all the information about your vehicle and takes a multitude of high quality photos and AutoClone 360-degree views to place in several publications and on several Web sites, including and

Considerable thought and planning goes into marketing each vehicle. Conner, Ryan, and Wyatt concentrate on which of your vehicle’s features will be its best selling points. Next, they devise a complete marketing plan for it that covers everything from where and how long they will advertise it based on targeted audiences and the right media mix.

Ebay is another marketing option they use for some vehicles. Appropriate vehicles will be placed for sale there with forethought and consideration given to the best pricing strategy and timing.

Fair Sale strives to provide individuals shopping for a vehicle enough information to make a decision before they ever view it in the Fair Sale showroom. “Fair Sale provides everything to a potential buyer online but the test drive,” Conner said. Fair Sale even does the negotiating.

Along with everything else, Fair Sale offers a free detail with every listing. If you are in the market for a new or different vehicle, don’t settle for trade-in value. Stay safe and let Fair Sale help you get a fair price.

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