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Get Rolling to Inola

The 5th annual ESA Gamma Pi Bunco Tournament will be held August 25 at the Inola Roundup Club.

By: Sheryl Sowell | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: August 2012

Members of the ESA Gamma Pi Chapter in Inola hold the hand-embroidered quilt that will be raffled at Bunco in 2013. 
(L to R): (back row) Karla Applegate, Mary Adams, Bobbie Martin, (front row) Carol Applegate, Gertrude Riddle and Carolyn Domier.

Members of the ESA Gamma Pi Chapter in Inola hold the hand-embroidered quilt that will be raffled at Bunco in 2013. (L to R): (back row) Karla Applegate, Mary Adams, Bobbie Martin, (front row) Carol Applegate, Gertrude Riddle and Carolyn Domier.

A fun, giving group of ladies in Inola are planning an exciting Bunco party to raise money for local charities. The Epsilon Sigma Alpha (ESA) Gamma Pi Chapter is presenting its 5th annual Bunco Tournament on Saturday, August 25 from 4 to 9 p.m. at the Inola Roundup Club. Radio personality Carly Rush will return as enthusiastic emcee for the event.

The Gamma Pi ladies say that if you haven’t been to the tournament before, you must mark it on your calendar to attend. “We have an absolute ball!” says member Janie Stevens. “Everyone who ­participates is guaranteed to have a wonderful time. Players get so excited and rambunctious, ­laughing and shouting ‘Bunco!’”

The tournament grows in popularity each year. One of the best parts about it is that pretty much anyone can play the game, whether you’re 9 years old or 90. It’s fast-paced yet easy to learn, and chances are you’re going to get hooked. Bunco is a social dice game with six rounds, ­progressing in order from one to six, where the number of the round serves as the target for that round’s rolls. Players ­alternate turns rolling three dice, aiming for the target number, and gain one point for each die matching the target. If the player gets three of a kind of the target number (a Bunco), they get 21 points. The round stops when a player at the head table obtains 21 points. Whoever wins the most rounds is the overall ­winner. It’s that simple!

Everyone receives a ­complimentary welcome bag with the rules and regulations and a variety of goodies, ­including a concession ticket worth a half sandwich, chips and a drink. Other concessions, including desserts, will be ­available for sale, and all the food is homemade by Gamma Pi members.

Many door prizes will be ­given away, so you’ll have a great chance of leaving with ­something extra. Several gift ­baskets will be awarded for a variety of reasons – they’ll be ­given to the most enthusiastic player, oldest player, person who traveled farthest, first Bunco roll, first time to play, youngest ­mother, and the last player to Bunco, to name a few. Prizes will also be awarded to the player with the most wins, most Buncos, most games lost and no wins.

Gertrude Riddle, a 27-year member of ESA, is in charge of the prizes, and the other ladies applaud her talent for creating fantastic gift baskets. “She makes the cutest theme baskets from the huge variety of items donated by group members and local individuals and businesses,” says member Karla Applegate.

A few raffles will be taking place. For $1 each ticket, you will have the chance to win a one-night stay at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Tulsa and dinner for two at McGill’s. A 50/50 raffle will be held as well. Raffle tickets will be sold for a hand-embroidered queen size quilt made by ESA member Gertrude Riddle that will be ­raffled at the 2013 Bunco Tournament. Also, for each non-perishable food item you bring for donation to the Inola Ministry House, you’ll have the chance to win a prize. So if you bring 12 items, you’ll have 12 chances to win! “The Ministry House is really in need of help right now,” adds ESA member Mary Adams.

Local vendors will be set up during the tournament and ­intermission. Early registration for the Bunco Tournament is $12.50 per person, or $15 at the door. The first person to pre-register wins a prize, and deadline to ­pre-register is August 20. All of the money raised will benefit the Inola Volunteer Fire Department and Food 4 Kids at Inola Elementary School. Past organizations benefitting from the tournament include Inola Voluntary Animal Rescue, the Ministry House, the Inola Educational Enhancement Fund, the fire department, the middle school and the Roundup Club.  

ESA is a philanthropic organization with the mission to serve and support the ­community with passion, ­concern and fellowship. The Gamma Pi Chapter hosts an annual Easter egg hunt, Christmas home tour, bingo tournament, twice-yearly patio sales and more. Their next fundraisers will be their patio sale in September and a school carnival in October. Each of their events raises money that goes directly towards assisting others.

The ESA Gamma Pi Bunco Tournament is August 25 at 4 p.m. at the Inola Roundup Club, located off Highway 412 on 4230 Road. Call (918) 637-0595 to pre-register.

For more information, contact

ESA Gamma Pi ­Chapter

P.O. Box 183
Inola, OK 74036
(918) 637-0595

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About Author Sheryl Sowell

Sheryl Sowell was born and raised in Tulsa, OK. She graduated from Will Rogers High School and received her Bachelor of Arts in English from Northeastern State University in 2007. She has worked for Value News as editor, writer and advertising copywriter since 2008. She enjoys meeting and interviewing people for Value News articles, learning about their backgrounds, and helping to promote their businesses and local events. In her free time, she enjoys reading, trying new recipes and crafts from Pinterest, attending concerts and sporting events, and spending time with family and friends. Sheryl lives in Tulsa with her fiancé Paul, their daughter Scarlett, and their two dogs, Gunner and Boo.

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