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Getting the Right Coverage

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Deductibles, subsidies, premiums, oh my! If you find the topic of health insurance intimidating or stressful, you’re not alone. Few things are more important than making sure you get the best health insurance option for you, but often, it can be easy to get lost in terminology and legalese.
What many do not realize is that absolutely free help is available to anyone and insurance might be cheaper than you think. Insurance agent Julie Lawson of Health Markets is an expert in navigating the murky waters of health insurance, and she can help anyone find the right option for themselves or their family at no additional cost.
Julie’s expertise includes specific training in every type of insurance, which means she understands the ins and outs of any option a family or individual might have to choose from and is equipped to discern which would be the best fit.
For folks in need of coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, Julie can help with this, too. Anyone can go online to the government site and fill out the application for insurance themselves, but it costs nothing for Julie to help with the process.
If you find web applications frustrating or tiresome, Julie offers compassion and understanding you won’t find online paired with a high level of expertise. She can also answer questions and translate some of the more complicated language and concepts into bite-sized information anyone can understand, helping make sure everything gets turned in and making sure you get connected to the perfect insurance policy for your situation.
“Some people will qualify for subsidies, which means that the government will pay a portion of their health insurance for them. With the new Obamacare, depending on their family’s household income, the government will pay a portion of their family’s health insurance premium,” Julie explained.
She went on to explain that the subsidies are available for more people than realize they qualify. “Say they are a family of four with a household income of $75,000. Depending on their zip code and the county they’re in, they might qualify for a subsidy of around $1000 to pay for a $1600 premium. They would only have to pay around $600 a month for their insurance, and the government would send a check for $1000 to the insurance provider.” To Julie, the most important part of what she does is helping people.
And for those living in rural areas or just working too much to meet up, Julie can help you work through the application, qualify for subsidies, and even purchase life insurance via screenshare. She understands that for some, sometimes a face-to-face interview is not always possible.
Julie also helps set families and individuals up with the best life insurance policy for them. Julie is an expert when it comes to working out what will work best for the individual.

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