Give the Gift of Beautiful Skin

Owasso Medical Spa has put together a complete, professional program to improve and enhance natural beauty.

By: Christy Means-Smith | Category: Consumer News | Issue: November 2006

Owasso Medical Spa is committed to helping you look and feel your best. (L-R) Alexa Richardson, aesthetician, Dr. Jack Lamberson and Gina Holloway, spa director.

The holidays are close at hand, and healthy, vital skin is a gift everyone should give herself or himself. A more youthful appearance is assuredly the desire of a great many people; and good choices will help in aiding that goal. Good exercise and proper nutrition are key factors; prevention and correction are equally important. Dr. Jack Lamberson and his professional staff at the Owasso Medical Spa take a long-term approach to the preservation of the skin and the correction of damage that has already occurred.

Many grew up in the sun-worshipping generation, and a significant number still prefer the natural tan that ultra-violet rays provide. Other environmental elements, such as cigarette smoke and pollution, can compromise the quality of the skin, as can pregnancy and other conditions such as acne and rosacea.

Fortunately, now individuals not only have the chance to correct skin damage and imperfections without resorting to invasive surgery, but there are also wonderful products on the market for preventive care. Owasso Medical Spa carries the SkinCeuticals line, which purports to maintain and improve skin health through their advanced skincare products. SkinCeutical’s goal is not only to be preventive, but also to protect healthy skin to reduce the possibility of more serious conditions, such as skin cancer.

The spa offers a complimentary skincare consultation with a licensed Aesthetician, Alexa Richardson. Dr. Lamberson explains that she is excellent and professionally trained in the Skinceuticals line.

“It is essential to anyone who is having a corrective procedure, that a medical grade regimen of skincare products specific to your skin care needs be utilized to maintain youthful skin,” explains Dr. Lamberson.

The Owasso Medical Spa has incorporated the latest technology available today to correct specific problems. During a complimentary skin consultation, Dr. Lamberson will evaluate each individual’s special needs and will recommend a comprehensive approach to return and restore skin to its natural beauty.

The spa is home to the most advanced laser systems for complete skin resurfacing, specifically the Fraxel Laser. It is reputed to be the safest laser available on the market that will achieve remarkable results in erasing fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage, plus tightening skin and smoothing stretch marks. Owasso Medical Spa has the only Fraxel Laser system in Northeast Oklahoma.

The Prolite Photofacial laser is employed for skin rejuvenation and sun damage removal. The spa also features the Cool Touch Varia to removal unsightly veins and unwanted hair. Dermal fillers, Botox and medical grade microdermabrasion facials are also available in aiding patients who are striving to achieve a youthful look.

Another beauty enhancing product Owasso Medical Spa offers is a complete line of the mineral grade makeup, Youngblood. Mineral makeup gives a very natural, beautiful look because it allows the skin to breathe normally and also has anti-inflammatory properties. The line includes foundation, powder, lipstick, blush and eye-enhancing products. The Youngblood line is a perfect complement to skin restorative procedures.

“Always remember, with all of the things we are capable of correcting, the beneficial effects can be reversed if a long-term preventive skin care program is not followed,” Dr. Lamberson cautions.

All procedures are performed by Dr. Lamberson, and together with the Owasso Medical Spa, they have put together a complete, professional program to improve and enhance natural beauty through the latest medical technology and products available today. For more information, or to schedule a free consultation, call (918) 376-9929, or visit the spa at 12410 E. 86th St. N. in Owasso.

For more information, contact

Owasso Medical Spa

12410 E. 86th St. N., Owasso, OK  74055
(At the Cornerstone Center)
(918) 376-9929

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