Green Country Money Matters 2019 Essay Contest

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2018 Money Matters essay contest winner Chloe Dean.

Central Bank of Oklahoma is proud to sponsor the Green Country Money Matters 2019 Essay Contest! The Bank is proud to support our Community in many different ways. You often see Bank employees volunteering throughout the community as well!

Green Country Money Matters, Inc. (GCMM) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to providing financial education to low-moderate income individuals and families in Northeastern Oklahoma. GCMM hosts an annual initiative in October each year and the Essay Contest is a part of this initiative. GCMM also provides financial education to individuals of all ages. This year, we are focusing on Middle and High School students; therefore, your students may see a volunteer at their school soon!

The Essay Contest runs through October 25th. Winners will be recognized at the GCMM Celebration Event in December at OSU Tulsa. Prize money is deposited into an appropriate college savings account in the student’s name. Students must be low-moderate income to participate in this contest. Income will be verified before winners are selected. Prizes are:

• $2,500 High School Grades 10-12, 1st Place

• $1,000 High School Grades 10-12, 2nd Place

• $1,000 Middle School Grades 7-9, 1st Place

• $500 Middle School Grades 7-9, 2nd Place

This year’s essay topic must focus on Savings. Students are asked to include information about bank savings accounts, how savings benefits a family, what things might a family save for, and why savings is important.

This is a great opportunity for low-moderate income students to start saving for college. Please encourage your students to participate in the annual Green Country Money Matters 2019 Essay Contest!

Candidates Must:

Submit an essay and the application form together in writing.

Mail the essay and application via U.S. Mail to the address below, postmarked no later than October 25, 2019. Essays may be emailed in lieu of US Mail; email must be sent by the deadline.

Be a low-moderate income student in 7th through 12th grade in a school in Tulsa County or surrounding counties.

Have an interest in money management skills (decision-making related to spending and saving, investing, use of credit, etc.) appropriate for their age and grade level.

Demonstrate how they practice good money management skills in their daily lives.

Be able to “think on their feet” - responding to questions from business leaders and media.

Be articulate - able to speak in front of large groups and cameras, and respond well to questions.

Successful candidates must have and present when requested a valid social security number or individual tax identification number.

Not have previously won the Money Week Tulsa or GCMM Essay Contests (in their grade category).

A college savings account is required to receive award. This can be opened after the student wins the award. You do not have to already have a college savings account to participate.

To Apply:

The deadline for essay submissions is Friday, October 25,2019. Essays must be postmarked or emailed by that date in order to be judged.

Students must be recommended by a teacher using the attached form. Official school sponsorship is not required.

Students must have parent or guardian permission to apply and participate.

Student must write an essay (Grades 7-9, 300 words or less; Grades 10-12, 500 words or less) on the assigned topic. The student’s name must be typed on essay.

Essays should be typed on plain white paper, double-spaced. The $mart Kid Essay Application Form should be attached to the top of essay pages. The essay must be the work of the student submitting the essay. No hand-written essays will be accepted.

The application form must be signed by the teacher and a parent/guardian.

Verification of income may be requested after submission. Students are not required to attach verification of income to the essay.

Click Here to download the application form PDF.

See more about Green Country Money Matters 2019 Essay Contest:

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