Halloween is Spooktacular

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A Night at the Museum Returns for Halloween! “Halloween Night at the Museum” has brought hundreds, if not thousands, of costumed characters into the Will Rogers Memorial Museum on Halloween night since the first event in 2014.
To be celebrated this year on Halloween night, Oct. 31, from 6-8 p.m. Trick or treating will be combined with an opportunity for children and their parents and grandparents to visit the Museum. Area businesses and individuals will have tables throughout the Museum galleries to share treats.

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Rogers County Commissioner and Mrs. Ron Burrows share the Halloween holiday with visitors to “Night at the Museum.”
There will be a continuous showing of “The Headless Horseman” (funny, no scary version), starring Will Rogers in the Museum Theatre. The silent movie is the familiar story of Ichabod Crane (Will), a Yankee schoolmaster competing for he hand of the daughter of a wealthy family. Another suitor, disguised as the headless horseman, lures Ichabod to a lonely bridge and frightens him away.

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Wear your best costume and enjoy trick or treating at the museum.
There will be special activities for the children, something for everyone. Even the trick roping Will is expected to make an appearance. The family-friendly atmosphere has proven to be one drawing family units to a safe place for the holiday and has brought many to the Will Rogers Memorial for the first time.

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