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Helping Your Business Rise and Shine

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Billy Joe Watts, trainer for The Good Morning Network, is an experienced life coach and public speaker, teaching essential networking skills to business professionals.

By, Macy Goodnight; Billy Joe Watts is well known for his charisma and passion for helping others.  With a heavy resume boosting the business of others, his role with the Good Morning Network just makes good sense.

Billy Joe’s role is that of group trainer at The Network.  The organization is led by Billy Joes’ lovely wife and Chapter President, Theresa Watts, with Vice President, Melissa Gregory.  The networking group meets at Panera Bread, 7110 S. 101st E. Ave, every Wednesday, from 7:30 a.m. until 9:00 a.m.  Anyone interested in growing their business and expanding their referrals is welcome to attend.  The Good Morning Network is a membership-oriented group, under the umbrella of My Sales Force.  My Sales Force is the largest business referral network in Oklahoma.  The meetings are geared toward the training and inspiration of people who want to grow their business, learn networking and marketing strategies, and learn to be more successful in business overall.

Billy Joe is a John Maxwell Program certified life and business coach, trainer, and speaker, as well as a pastor and realtor.  He is well-versed in encouraging others, as well as building business individuals up for success. “I got started because I wanted to build my own clientele locally and expand my own business, and I wanted to help other people,” said Billy Joe. “It was an obvious fit for me to join the Good Morning Network as a trainer.”  At his core, he believes that helping other people is essential.  “We remind our members every meeting that we are people of value, who value people.”

Billy Joe contends that there are a multitude of benefits to joining a networking group, including:

Group Collaboration – An opportunity to exchange ideas and referrals. 

Stimulate Creativity – Find inspiration from others.

Motivation-  Support, promote, and refer each other.

New Client Development – Give and take referrals within the group, and accept input from other business professionals.

There are some common traits that are shared with truly successful business professionals, and particularly those for good networking.  “It will sound cliché, but having a nice, cheerful disposition is so important,” said Billy Joe.  “A positive attitude is essential.”  Creativity and a goal-oriented mindset are also helpful.  “You must also know your worth,” he said.  “See yourself as having value to offer, and pass that on to other people.”  The most important tool to retain, however, is your integrity.  “The way and how you do business speaks volumes.  People want to do business with honest people.”

Anyone interested in joining The Good Morning Network need only attend a Wednesday morning meeting.  For more information, call Billy Joe Watts at (918)521-7404 or email him at eat0@eau0eav0eaw0.

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