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Holiday Gifts from the Heart

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Cindy Crowley, Kathy Erwin, Wanda Moore and Mary Hart show some of the items you can learn to make at the Happy Holiday Gift Ideas event.

The Tulsa County Oklahoma Home and Community Education (OHCE) will be hosting their second annual “Happy Holiday Gift Ideas” event on Monday, October 24 at the Memorial Drive United Methodist Church in Tulsa, located at 7903 E. 15th St., from 9:45 a.m. until 3 p.m. There will be between 10 and 12 food and crafts demonstrations by OHCE members to provide gift ideas that anyone can make.
See demonstrations for delicious homemade fried tacos as a dish to spice up any holiday party. For those who love to create outside of the kitchen, how-to’s of watercolor greeting cards, scrapbook style cards, simple to make Christmas ornaments and easy sewing projects such as Chenille potholders and koozie bowls will be displayed. There will also be a flower arranging course as well as a tutorial on making your own sugar scrub.Each demonstration is budget conscious and user friendly.  A booklet with easy-to-follow instructions, patterns and recipes is included.
Kathy Erwin, membership committee chairperson, Tulsa County, organized with her team this event in its inaugural year. She is ecstatic that it is returning with new gifts and ideas for the holidays.
“We gave this a holiday theme,” she says, “but what is really nice is how most of the projects can be adapted seasonally for any gift-giving occasion.”
If you have always wanted to try your hand at flower arranging, watercolor painting or simple sewing projects, this is the perfect opportunity to learn something new in the company of other ladies united in the same effort. Presentations will be before and after a lunch of taco soup and chocolate dessert. Cost, including lunch, is $10 per person. Seating is limited so reservations must be made by October 19.
“We are proud to serve the community in this unique and special way,” says Kathy. “We want people to get to know us and what we do, and hopefully join one of our seven groups in Tulsa County.”
Representatives from each of the groups – Candleliters, Daisies, Eastside, Jenks, Owasso Pioneers, Southside Neighbors, and Valley View – will be on hand to introduce themselves and the specific community service project they support, which include Happy Hands School for the Deaf, Quilts of Valor, Jenks Food Bank, and Tulsa County Emergency Shelter.
All groups uphold the goal to develop leadership and to promote and extend the best interests of the family, home and community through the associations in all 77 counties. Countywide projects include cultural enrichment, family issues, healthy living, a holiday luncheon, membership, promotional sales, resource management, scholarships, and the Tulsa County Fair.
The 80-year-old OHCE grew out of home demonstration clubs who made it their mission to distribute educational information on agricultural and home economics. Anyone who wants to learn something new on October 24, and have a lot of fun getting into the holiday spirit, should send a check for $10 no later than October 19 to OHCE-TC, 8516 S. 43rd West Ave., Tulsa, Oklahoma 74132.

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