Holland Hall ARTworks Announces Workshop and Gallery Opening

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Holland Hall will feature the work of local photographer Bob Sober in a unique residency/workshop program at its ARTworks Holliman Gallery Exhibit beginning Monday, Oct. 22 and running through Nov. 20.

Sober specializes in macro photography of insects. During his residency, he will collaborate with Holland Hall’s Keri Shingleton and other science teachers and students to explore the 162 acres surrounding the campus to teach them about insects.

Sober discovered his unique art form by attaching a macro lens to his camera. Using cutting-edge technology, Bob created human-sized images of these natural wonders and presents them on a simple white background, so that they may be clearly seen as nature’s art work. The purpose is to inspire our natural curiosity to explore the almost limitless beauty and diversity of nature.

Through recent exhibitions, he noticed that the gap between art and science continues to shrink — his work has been appreciated in both worlds. During his time at Holland Hall, he will explore these connected worlds with students in both art and science spaces as well as outdoors.

“Some will ask, is this science or is this art?” said Sober. “I hope my images will help them recognize that science exists in all art as surely as art exists in all science. This may be that magical place where science and art overlap.”

The gallery will feature insects on display along with his art during his residency.  The artwork will be available for purchase.

On Oct. 27, a Patron Workshop will be offered to adults. The workshop will offer ARTworks patrons one-on-one time with Sober and a chance to learn photography techniques and how to best capture moments of nature. To become a patron, please visit www.hollandhall.org/events/artworks/.

ARTworks has been a Holland Hall tradition since 1977. The program hosts a professional artist-in-residence who spends a week at Holland Hall working with students in each grade. The gallery opening gives guests an opportunity to meet the artist, preview the exhibit and be the first to purchase original works of art.

“Through our ARTworks program we’re able to meet and learn from so many talented artists,” said Steve Dyer, director of Holland Hall’s Walter Arts Center. “Our students and community are excited for a new kind of art and the chance to explore and really bring to light the beauty of insects and nature through art.”

The exhibit is open from Oct. 22 through Nov 20 (excluding weekends), from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. For more information, visit http://www.hollandhall.org/events/artworks/.

Tickets are $25 per person. Must be 21+ to attend the Gallery Opening on Oct. 23. To purchase tickets visit, http://www.hollandhall.org/events/artworks/galleryopening/.

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