Hope Harbor’s Partners Provide Healing for Families Impacted by Trauma

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Categories: In Our Communities

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Did you know that 2 out of 3 children in the U.S. experience trauma before the age of 16?* When children’s bodies suffer emotional trauma, it often leads to physical ailments down the road. 10 percent of children in the United States have a 3x higher chance of heart disease and cancer, because of traumatic events they experienced.** Children who experienced multiple traumatic events have a 20-year shorter life expectancy than other children.

September marks the first signs of Fall and at Hope Harbor, the last Saturday in September is always extra special because for the 20+ years, it has been the date of Hope Harbor’s Annual Open House and Fish Fry. This event is to show our partners how much we love and appreciate them and all they do to heal children and families impacted by trauma.

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Senator Marty Quinn, long time Hope Harbor supporter introduces First Lady Sarah Stitt as the honored guest speaker at the 2019 Open House and Fish Fry.

This year on Sept. 25 beginning at 10:30 a.m. we want to invite all of you to join us on our campus located at 15025 East 380 Road in Claremore. It will be a day filled with great fish and BBQ, children’s activities, a silent basket auction, a live dessert auction and so much more.

If you do not know anything about Hope Harbor, Sept. 25 would be a great time to get to know us. The event is free and open to the public. Children of all ages are welcome. Our Executive Director, Dirk O’Donnell and members of our staff will present information about how the program is designed as well as why the program works. You will hear from graduates as well as their families about how their experience here changed their futures. We will also have some of our largest supporters telling their reason for their involvement with our program.

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Senator Marty Quinn, long time Hope Harbor supporter introduces First Lady Sarah Stitt as the honored guest speaker at the 2019 Open House and Fish Fry.

When you partner with Hope Harbor, you provide the tools and support needed to heal children and families impacted by trauma. Over 80 percent of former Hope Harbor residents surveyed report maintaining positive change in their life after graduating the program. You help break the cycle of trauma and help these children and their families move forward to a healthier life.

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Hope Harbor’s Race for Hope is held the morning of the Open House and Fish Fry each year beginning at 8:30 a.m. on the Hope Harbor campus.

Hope Harbor has been part of Rogers County since the late 1900s, however, we want to be a larger part of this community. We know this starts by getting to know you, our neighbors. We want you to know our doors are open and we are striving to grow our relationships with each and every one of you. Come join us on Sept. 25 for food and fun. It will give us a chance to shake your hand and introduce ourselves. Together we can make Rogers County a place where families know they are loved and where trauma does not get
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Our wonderful supporters enjoy the live auction at Hope Harbor’s 2019 Open House and Fish Fry.
to determine our children’s futures. Hope is still alive. Be part of the change in kids’ and families’ lives this year.

For more information about Hope Harbor and our Open House and Fish Fry visit www.hopeharborinc.org/openhouse

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