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How to Create Your Own Vision Board

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There are some people who are achievers in life.  You can see the focus in their eyes, and each step they take is deliberate.  They know what they want, they know each move they must make to get to their destination, and their life reflects their intentionality.  Then there are others who seem to flounder.  Some don’t figure out what they want for decades, if at all, and some misstep time and again.  What separates these individuals from one another?  One element the self-starters might have is their goal-setting ability.

So, how does one set these life-changing goals?  What does that look like?  Is it a New Year’s resolution?   Most resolutions don’t make it to the 30-day mark. Is it a checklist of 10 things to accomplish before the year’s end?  Many checklists are lost and forgotten along the way.  One method that keeps the goal in front of one’s eyes is in the form of a vision board. 

There is a lot of talk about vision boards nowadays.  What makes them so special?  A vision board is a tangible visual aid of sorts that represents goals set.  Some come in the form of a poster board and some as a cork bulletin board.  In today’s move to the digital world, some can even manifest as a screensaver.  Its power is held in its placement.  Vision boards are meant to be seen daily, even several times per day, keeping that desired outcome in front of the determined achiever.  It’s more than just a to-do list.  Instead, it’s pictures and words keeping that vision alive.

“Whether you believe that or not, we know that visualization works. Olympic athletes have been using it for decades to improve their performance. Psychology Today reported that the brain patterns activated when a weightlifter lifts heavy weights are also similarly activated when the lifter just imagined (visualized) lifting weights,” contributing writer Elizabeth Rider said in an article in HuffPost titled, “The Reason Vision Boards Work and How to Make One” found at

Take, for example, if a goal-setter wants to finish a degree, perhaps they may include on his or her vision board a photo of the university campus of their choice, a mockup of a diploma, a picture of a graduate, and words like “Congratulations!”  They may even include a photo of someone working in their desired new post-graduate career.

What if someone has already achieved the goal, but they want a do-over?  Example:  If a self-starter has earned a big bonus each year for the past two years but wants to obtain that same financial reward for next year.  No problem.  Repeat goals are allowed. 

Convinced that a vision board is a right fit for 2021 goal setting?  Then here’s how to get started.

Before launching into the mechanics of building a vision board, a goal-oriented individual should take a moment to reflect and ask what they really want to change about their life: relationships, finances, career, travel, home improvement, education, hobbies, or fitness.  Once a realistic goal has been identified, then it’s time to move on to the fun part, cutting and pasting.

Dig out the magazines, scissors, glue, and backboard.  If you’re all about digital images, then print images from social media, Pinterest, or some royalty-free photo sites like or  Don’t rush through the process.  This is a life-changing exercise.  Allow a couple of quiet hours, and put on some mood music, and dive in.

Once the vision board is finished to satisfaction, then place it where it can be seen daily.  Be certain of this: what someone focuses on grows.

 What happens when the goals are met?  Review life every so often—perhaps at each year’s end—and design a new board with new goals. 
If blank space is allowed between the pictures and words, then that area allows room for growth along the way.

 Retired consultant and small business owner Patricia Highland is looking forward to an upcoming vision board workshop at a Broken Arrow church women’s group. 

“[I will be] obtaining a new practical tool which will serve as a daily reminder of my personal hopes, dreams, and goals for 2021,” Highland said.  “My personal goals will formulate from my desire to walk in a committed and deeper relationship with Christ specifically ministering to the practical needs of those I encounter, both inside and outside of my local church, Abiding Harvest.”

Memphis based Visionary Strategist Trecie Williams runs her sole proprietorship Envision That! with heart.  She desires to help those that struggle to find direction and purpose in their lives.  Her services include vision board seminars/workshops, vision parties, vision coaching, purpose dates, custom videos, custom vision boards, and even custom vision books.  She has plenty of experience with hundreds of vision boards under her belt.

Her business was a springboard from an experience with her first personal vision board in 2012.  She accomplished every goal posted.  With that success, a desire grew within her to help others find their own vision for their lives.

“God created us and knows us better than we know ourselves,” Williams said. “He has something special for each one of us to do during our time on earth. When we stand before Him, He will ask us if we did them.  We want to be able to say that we did.  One exercise I do with my clients is a purpose date with the Lord.  We ask Him specific questions about His vision for various areas of their lives: family, career, finances and next steps.  These answers form the basis for their vision boards.  As a result, their work reflects God’s dreams for their lives that will matter for eternity.”

Vision boards are a hot commodity right now.  With COVID, job losses, and general upheaval, how can anyone have a firm grasp for the direction in their lives?  In such a topsy turvy world, it takes a little help.  Vision boards can be just the tool needed to get on track.


In the November 24th, 2019 article “How to Make a Vision Board” at, Christine Kane gives some tips that might help.  She says there are three types of vision boards. 


The “I Know Exactly What I Want” Vision Board.  She says to pattern off this type of board if:


The goal-setter is certain of their goals.

Someone wants to change their environment.

There is something tangible that to goal-setter wants, such as a house, car, new job, etc.


The second type of board she says to pattern from is the “Opening and Allowing” board.  Follow this format if:


Someone is uncertain of their direction

The goal-setter is experiencing depression or grief

Someone wants a change in their life but uncertain how to make that happen


Finally, there is the “Theme” vision board.  Kane says to pattern off this type of board if:


The goal setting is having a major life event like a birthday, or it’s the start of a new year

Someone is focusing on one specific element of life such as relationships or career


“The Bible says to ‘write your vision and make it plain,” comedian, television presenter, broadcaster­­­ and author Steve Harvey said in Harvey’s Hundreds at  “If you’re not using a vision board to achieve your dreams…start.” 

See More about How to Create Your Own Vision Board:

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