By: Duane Blankenship | Category: Other | Issue: September 2012
Haley, an appreciative young patient, presents Dr. Gene Woodard of Advantage Audiology with a bouquet of “OSU” orange roses for all his caring and assistance in helping her be able to hear.
Most of us schedule an annual physical with the family doctor, go to the dentist twice a year, and have our vision checked annually. So why do we never have our hearing checked? Good question, especially when the American Medical Association recommends doing so annually. Dr. Gene Woodard is a licensed audiologist and owner of Advantage Audiology & Hearing Aids, located at the Farm Shopping Center in Tulsa. Dr. Gene, as he is affectionately known by his patients, says, “It is sad to live a life less than to the fullest because of difficulty hearing.”
Dr. Gene and Hearing Instrument Specialist Jeff King provide high-quality personal hearing aids and services to their patients. Services include everything from hearing testing to helping patients select a hearing aid with the features that best fit their lifestyles. Advantage Audiology helps get you “back in the conversation” and connected with friends and family.
Dr. Gene’s background includes research and clinical audiology, and he has worked with deaf and hearing impaired children. In 2000, he opened Advantage Audiology, where he is known for his outstanding patient dedication. Hearing Instrument Specialist Jeff King has over 14 years of experience and says, “I love helping people improve their hearing. I base my success on the successes I have in correcting our patients’ hearing losses.”
“Most hearing problems are caused by damage to the nerve cells,” says Dr. Gene. This type of hearing problem is commonly called “nerve deafness.” The most common causes are exposure to noise and the aging process. When the inner ear or auditory nerve is damaged, a weak, distorted and incomplete message is sent to the brain and understanding becomes difficult, if not impossible. Although nerve deafness cannot be medically cured, it can be helped or treated with hearing aids.
All hearing aid products recommended by Advantage Audiology operate digitally. One popular product is the NuEar Look TM, which receives television, radio, stereo, and virtually any sound source directly to your hearing aid – wirelessly. NuEar products are designed for vibrant lifestyles and provide optimum flexibility and performance in a broad range of demanding listening environments that include high levels of background noise.
The first signs of hearing loss are often subtle. Do you have to strain to hear? Do you blame others for mumbling? Are you often able to hear someone speaking, but cannot understand what they’re saying? Do you have trouble understanding what’s being said on TV? Maybe you’ve started avoiding social situations because it’s difficult to understand when two or more people are speaking, especially when background noise is present. Be honest. Isn’t it time you contact Advantage Audiology and set up a complimentary hearing screening test?
Blankenship graduated from the University of Oklahoma and has enjoyed a lifetime career in advertising. He started his own advertising business in 1993 and enjoys creating graphic art and writing. Hobbies include hunting, fishing and pencil drawings. Duane and his wife, Janice, have been married over 50 years and are active in their church and community. He has been a contributing writer for Value News/Values Magazine since 2005.
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