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Inaugural Gala Benefits Connected Kids

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Dr. Barbara Sorrels is the founder of Connected Kids.

It is no secret that the trauma of childhood sabotages the lives of the adults they become. When trauma such as bullying, abuse, loss of a loved one, or poverty impacts a child’s life, outcomes for behavior, learning, and even physical health become greatly disrupted. Dr. Barbara Sorrels is working with her organization Connected Kids to give families and children access to resources which build connections and foster healing.
Dr. Sorrels teaches a philosophy informed by truly understanding a child’s emotional and physiological development. The organization works with parents, guardians, and advocates to give children the best outlook for a bright future.
The organization has hosted a Camp Loughridge retreat for adoptive and foster teens since 2015. For many families, the event has marked a turning point in their lives where they grew closer through activities that built trust while encouraging them to interact on a deeper emotional level.
Connected Kids also hosts therapeutic parenting interaction groups and ongoing conferences for teachers, parents, child care providers, ministry leaders, and children’s education programs to teach the care and education of children with trauma.
One of Sorrels’ long-term goals for Connected Kids is to build a therapeutic preschool, creating a nurturing environment ideal for healing the needs of a traumatized child. Eventually, this preschool could grow to accommodate older children through third grade.
Future plans for Connected Kids include a therapeutic 3-week camp for up to 25 children. Parents and children will work together in a playful, fun setting to learn to combat challenging behaviors and live their best lives together.
The gala will be held at the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame on October 5 from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $100, and there are still a few table sponsorships left at $1000. Catered dinner, drinks, and wine service will be included. Attendees will also be eligible to register for the Silent Auction, Live Auction, and Raffle options.Some of the raffle items include a rock-crawling trip, a Colorado mountain getaway, and date nights for a year.
Featured presenters include Dr. Sorrels and guest speaker Alton Carter, author of Aging Out and The Boy Who Carried Bricks. Support local kids in need by attending the 2017 Connected Kids Inaugural Gala.

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