By: Debra West | Category: Rogers County | Issue: February 2022
(L-R) President Celeste Tillery, Vice President Monta Ewing
Introducing the Officers for 2022, President Celeste Tillery, Vice President Monta Ewing, Secretary Linda Coleman and Treasurer Alice Meledeo. With a new year beginning, we are hopeful and we are continuing to plan and prepare for upcoming events, that are open to the public, such as the “Old Fashion Picnic” in May at the Will Rogers birthplace ranch, the “Hats off to Will” Will Rogers Days, birthday tribute and the Wreath Laying Ceremony at Will Rogers Memorial Museum in November, not to mention all the other social and cultural events that we promote and participate in, throughout the year. Thank you to the Oklahoma Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts and to the many individuals who support, encourage, and help us achieve our scholarship goals and bring cultural awareness to our community, with respect to CDC recommended guidelines of wearing masks, washing hands thoroughly and social distancing.
Next Upcoming Event:
March 19, 2022, 12-2 p.m., “Wild Onion Feast”
Live and Silent Auction – IWPC Higher Education Scholarship Fundraiser
(L-R) Secretary Linda Coleman, and Treasurer Alice Meledeo.
First United Methodist Church, 1615 N. Hwy 88, Claremore, OK 74017
For more information contact Celeste Tillery at eat1@eau1eav1eaw1 or Indian Women’s Pocahontas Club, P.O. Box 3252, Claremore, OK 74018 or visit our website
(918) 760-0813
P.O. Box 3252 | Claremore, OK
For Free!