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Indian Women's Pocahontas Club Announces 2023 Officers

New Leadership Chosen To Continue Improving Indian Welfare and Education

By: Debra West | Category: In Our Communities | Issue: February 2023

Celeste Tillery, President of Indian Women's Pocahontas Club

Celeste Tillery, President of Indian Women's Pocahontas Club

The Indian Women’s Pocahontas Club recently introduce their Officers for 2023: President, Celeste Tillery, Vice-President Monta Ewing, Secretary Linda Coleman, and Treasurer Deborah McDaniel. With a new year beginning, we are hopeful and we are continuing to plan and prepare for upcoming events, that are open to the public, such as the “Old Fashion Picnic” in May at the Will Rogers birthplace ranch, the “Hats off to Will” Will Rogers Days, birthday tribute and the Wreath Laying Ceremony at Will Rogers Memorial Museum in November, and numerous other community gathering social and cultural events that we promote and participate in, throughout the year. Thank you to the Oklahoma Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts and to the many individuals who support, encourage, and help us achieve our Cherokee student scholarship goals and bring cultural awareness to our community.

Next Upcoming Event:

March 18, 2023 - 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. “Wild Onion Feast”

  • Live and Silent Auction – IWPC Higher Education Scholarship Fundraiser
  • First United Methodist Church, 1615 N. Hwy 88, Claremore, OK 74017

For more information about Wild Onion Feast, contact Ollie at eat1@eau1eav1eaw1 or Indian Women’s Pocahontas Club, P.O. Box 3252, Claremore, OK 74018 or visit our website

"Speak kind words and you will hear kind echos"

"We are the Indian Women's Pocahontas Club. We love our nations stories and the histories of our clans. Whether they be sung or spoken, we treasure our tribal legends, the meeting of our group and all our Indian tokens. The pride of our race we will forever cherish, that its history and legends will not perish.
For ancient pride of race, this torch we pass to those who come our place to take."

The Pocahontas Club has come a long way since its inception in 1899. Little did those fine Cherokee leaders in one of the oldest communities of the Indian Territory think they were organizing what is perhaps the oldest club of the state. But the ideals of study and service of that small group of intelligent and cultured girls from the Female Seminary have endured. 

The neighborly work of the Pocahontas members continues in the club's objectives of Indian welfare and education. Today the club work is done by a group of dedicated women who put little emphasis on the social aspect. 

Those first Pocahontas members would be pleased and proud of knowing that their club, organized for fun, is serving and preserving the past for the future. 

“We are the caretakers of our culture, our heritage and our communities.”

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« All February 2023 Stories

Indian Women's Pocahontas Club

For more information, contact:

Indian Women's Pocahontas Club

(918) 760-0813
P.O. Box 3252 | Claremore, OK

More about Indian Women's Pocahontas Club:

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