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Innergistic Offers Reiki For Stress Relief, Relaxation & To Promote Healing

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Categories: Health & Fitness

Article Photo 1 Reiki Master Sherl Salyer

What type of business is Innergistic? Innergistic is a safe and welcoming environment for those who want to understand, learn or experience alternative healing methods. Sherl Salyer, owner, explains the literal definition of Innergistic means – “self-love is for the greatest good and if you can’t love yourself, you can’t love anyone else.”

This concept is different for each person. Innergistic offers many holistic approaches to connection of body and mind, including but not limited to, Reiki, Shamanic methods, intuitive development, Intuitive card readings, animal communication, meditation and yoga.

Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique for stress reduction that promotes internal and physical healing. Sherl, Usui Reiki Master & Karuna Reiki Master, practices sonic alchemy Reiki sound sessions, which uses crystal bowls, pyramids and drums that reverberates sound to address each of the seven chakras throughout our body. “Many times, when we have physical symptoms, there is an emotional and energetic aspect to it. There is a life force energy, also called Chi, that flows within the body. The vibrational level of Reiki raises the energy field to work with the physical body where emotional feelings are stored and then breaks them apart to allow energy to flow in a free and healthy pattern” explains Sherl.

Believed to originate from Japan, Reiki Symbols are found as far back as the Dead Sea scrolls. “We use numerous sounds and light physical touch to address your chakras. Life can take a toll both physically and emotionally, with Reiki, the energy is dispersed exactly where the need is located. Everyone’s response to the technique is different, however, most people respond very well to this practice. I know first hand as for years I dealt with chronic pain. I’ve always believed in holistic approaches and decided to receive a Reiki session and it worked in such an amazing way I had to learn this wonderful technique” explains Sherl Salyer.

Innergistic provides services for those who are interested in alternative types of modalities. “We offer classes & workshops taught by experienced practitioners,” says Lori McNabb, office manager. “There is something for everyone. We take appointments for personal sessions and walk-ins are always welcome,” adds Lori.

For those who like to shop, Innergistic also has its own store, where jewelry, books, stones, crystals, incense, essential oils and salt lamps can be purchased. “If it promotes raising your vibration, we’re likely to have it,” says Lori.

The common theme for Innergistic is a loving community that is created for the benefit of all who wants to participate.

Sherl encourages anyone who may be skeptical to just try it. “Our bodies are amazing and many skeptics have returned who have found relief” she goes on to state.

The clinic is located at 2401 South Elm Place in Broken Arrow, is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11-7, with most classes scheduled in the evening to accommodate those who work. For more information on Reiki and other spiritual services, you can check out their website at or go to their Facebook page to search all the upcoming events.

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