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Inspiring Seniors to be Healthy & Happy

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Carol Carter of LIFE Senior Services and Detective Debbie Crisp of TPD’s Senior Safety Unit once again join efforts to present the 2017 Senior Safety and Lifestyle Fair.

"…The preservation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” We hear these words from the Declaration of Independence often this time of year—so often that we sometimes take these “rights, inherent and inalienable” that Thomas Jefferson wrote about for granted. But as we grow older, these rights often feel out of our reach as time seems to whittle away at the quality of our lives, taking away liberty of movement and putting a damper on any true pursuit of happiness.
Carol Carter and the staff at LIFE Senior Services dedicate their time and efforts to making sure this is not the only choice for seniors. The mission of LIFE Senior Services is to promote a lifestyle of active aging, lifelong learning, positive life outlook and safety for seniors. That’s why they are partnering with Detective Debbie Crisp and the Tulsa Police Department’s Senior Safety Unit to host the 2017 Senior Safety and Lifestyle Fair, July 18, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Central Park Hall at Expo Square.
This event, designed for adults 45+, seniors, and family caregivers, will host over 100 exhibitors representing housing, healthcare, social services, lifelong learning, volunteer opportunities, charitable organizations and a select group of crafters and artisans. The Oklahoma Healthy Aging Alliance (OHAI) and OU Physicians will provide free health screenings including tests for blood pressure, balance and memory, among others. Attendees will also have the opportunity to “ask a geriatrician” with Dr. John Carment, OU Physicians, from noon to 3 p.m.
There will be several fitness demonstrations to inspire an active lifestyle, including line dancing, Zumba Gold, and tai chi. Because pets can greatly contribute to the physical and emotional well-being of seniors, attendees may want to visit with the Paw Pals therapy dogs from the Tulsa Dog Training Club-or take home a new pet from the Animal Rescue Foundation (ARF), who will bring a few furry friends in need of adoption. Also, AAA Oklahoma will host a CarFit program. Space is limited for this clinic, so preregistration is required. Interested parties should call Mark at AAA Oklahoma at 918-935-9318.
To raise awareness of safety issues, the 2017 Senior Safety and Lifestyle Fair will feature several speakers on this and other topics of importance to senior adults. Lori Fullbright will emcee this event and will give her “Cons, Frauds, and Scams” presentation. Also featured will be Christina Mendoza from Mayor GT Bynum’s office, who will share information about Tulsa’s Dementia Friendly City Initiative.
Along with Carol Carter, Detective Debbie Crisp of the Tulsa Police Department’s Senior Service Unit has been involved with the organization of this event since it began four years ago, and her heart is always turned toward providing a safe and secure environment for seniors.
“We want seniors to feel safe, valued and appreciated,” said Detective Crisp. “We are here to not only protect them, but also help them access community based programs and services that will improve their quality of life.” Carter adds, “We are hoping this event will encourage individuals to stay active and involved, pursuing new interests, making new friends and enjoying life.”

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